1 - I'm a Snake?

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My eyes shoot open, but even with them as wide as they can go, I can't see. I even try squinting, just to see if I that would work.


Wait, it actually did? Wait, no, it's a crack in the sky... Wait, what?

crack crack

The crack in the sky opened up more, letting more light through.


Small rays, but still more than what I'm getting inside of... whatever I'm in, and it's only getting brighter as the cracks widen.

I waited for the crack to open up more, but then I got bored and decided to reach for it.


The first thing I saw was a bunch of glowing crystals hanging from what looked like a cave ceiling. So I'm in a cave, alright. Not much to be alarmed by.

The second thing I see when I look around is a bunch of eggs, all of them hatching to reveal little snakes. I don't have much of a problem with snakes.

Not the little ones, at the very least. But then. The third thing, the thing that I should have noticed right off the bat, was a giant freakin' snake. Coiled all around me and the little ones.

It took everything in me not to pass out right then and there.

"Ok, calm down. Calm. This is fine. I'm just in some kinda weird cave surrounded by a giant, purple snake. Nothing to worry about there. I mean, it's not that intimidating, right?"

I look up at the giant snake's head and see that it's eye is looking down right at us.

"Nope! It's terrifying!"

I duck back into what I now realize is an egg since it's the closest thing to a shelter that I can think of.

"I came out of this, so I guess that means I'm one of these things too, right?"

I answered my own question by coiling around in my egg.

"No arms, no legs, just scales. God. Freakin'. Dammit."

I guess that explains all the weird hissing sounds coming out of me instead of actual words. I'm more worried about what I'm gonna do without opposable thumbs, though.

How did I get here anyway? One second I'm walking into Ms. Oka's classroom and next thing I wake up as a tiny snake surrounded by a big snake. Life's got a way of throwing curve balls at ya', huh?

"I guess this means I'm in some kinda isekai? I was never into anime that much but I read enough manga to know that's the best way to describe my current situation."

But in all the ones I read, the MC always gets some kinda introduction to the world they're thrown to, or a really overpowered ability that makes their life real easy.

I poked my head out of the egg and looked around at all my siblings. Their scales were all yellow. Meanwhile, here I am, white with yellow splotches.

"But apparently the only thing special about me is a bad case of albinism."

I slouched back into my shell.

"I guess I'm the special snowflake of this litter."

I couldn't think of anything to do, so I kind of just lazed about in my shell.

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood."

Boredom truly makes you do (and say) strange things.

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now