13 - Revenge Monkeys

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Next thing I knew there was a loud rumbling emanating from some unseen point within the Labyrinth, and for whatever reason every instinct I had was telling me to get off the ground, so I flew up to the ceiling as fast as possible.

The rumbling grew closer, and the next thing I knew there was a horde of monsters below me. An innumerable amount of monkey monsters just like the one I had just killed, all clambering to reach me from the ground.

Where the hell did all these come from?!

How am I supposed to know?! I'd never run into one of these things before. I typically avoided the ones that moved in groups.

The one I killed was on its own though. So what could've-

The scream.


That loud screech it made before it died, it wasn't some last breath thing, it was calling over the rest of the group for backup!

Well isn't that just great...

I had to act fast to evade a volley of rocks. While I was caught up with figuring out where they came from, the monkeys had decided that without a way to reach me, they would instead use projectiles.

Dang those things throw hard.

A quick Appraisal to a few of them confirmed that they all had pretty high levels in the Throw skill. Not at all a good thing for me, especially considering how many of them there are and how MORE OF THEM KEEP COMING!!

I can't even think with these stupid monkeys trying to pelt me.

《Proficiency threshold has been reached.『Spatial Maneuvering』has risen to LV4.》

《『Prediction』has risen to LV4.》

《『Evasion』has risen to LV3.》

《『Flight』has risen to LV7.》

《『Concentration』has risen to LV3.》

The next volley came, and though I could evade most of them, two of them managed to hit. And let me say that these things hurt!

《『Pain Resistance』has risen to LV2.》

《『Shock Resistance』has risen to LV2》

All right! A boost to my skills' efficiency is something I'm definitely gonna need right now. Especially since these things don't look like they're up for negotiation- OH GOD!!

I barely managed to move out of the way as one of the monkeys somehow sprung forward, already ready to swing its fist. When it did swing, it instead smashed against the ceiling. I took the moment it was in the air to grab onto it and hit it with a Paralyzing Fang to its back, followed by a quick slash as I let it fall.

How the hell did it make it up here? Can these things even jump that high?

Down there!

I looked back to the crowd below at Hakuja's instruction.

【Bagragratch    LV8    Unnamed】


【HP: 700/700】

【MP: 120/120】

【SP: 621/621】

【SP: 572/572】

【Average Offensive Ability: 613】

【Average Defensive Ability: 542】

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