Chapter 5

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Chapter 9 actually came easy to write. And... it's honestly kind of good. I really like it! Can't wait for you guys to read it! :)

Enjoy this chapter!

~~~Tony's P.O.V.~~~

Y/N behaved well in the car. She looked outside the window, eyes glittering with wonder, at the passing city around us.

"Have you ever been in a car before?" I asked.

She shook her head, trying to hop back up to look out the back window of the ambulance.

          Wow, great car to have your first ride in, I thought sarcastically. She winced slightly as the car bumped a bit from a pothole, and I eyed her worriedly.

"Does it hurt to stand up on the chair?"

She nodded, stretching her neck to continue seeing outside.

I sighed, saying, "Y/N, if it hurts, maybe you should sit down correctly. I promise you'll get another chance to see outside a car window, just please sit down before you hurt yourself even more."

She sat down on the stretcher, kicking her legs back and forth while her hands gripped the edges of the stretcher.

"Kid." She turned to me, signaling that she was listening. "I—uh—brought you this book I found. Thought you might want it."

I handed her the book. She took it from me, staring at it silently, tears starting to cloud her eyes.

"Thank you, Metal Man," she eventually choked out, setting it on her lap and gripping it tightly.

I smiled and replied, "You can call me Tony."

The kid turned to me again, giving me a bright, closed-eyes smile.

"Mr. Stark?" Someone called out from the front of the car as it came to a stop. "We're here."

I stood up, quickly walking to her and holding out an arm. "Hop on."

She looked at me, curious and confused.

"You just sit on my arm," I explained. She nodded, suddenly excited, and sat on my arm, my other hand firmly gripping her so she wouldn't fall off. We walked out of the ambulance together and followed the people to the hospital room they were to put her in.

When she hopped off my arm, she quickly grabbed my metal hand, trembling with fear. I stayed with her while they gave her a simple check up since she hasn't been to a doctor in five years. Then, they patched her up, changing her into one of those gowns and making me wait outside while they examined all the wounds on her body. When I came back they told me that everything was better than it looked, but they had to see to make sure that they took out all the glass shards in her arm.

I was with her, holding her right hand, while they scanned her left arm. Apparently some shards got pretty deep, so they continued to work and try to get them out.

By the time they did get them out, it was morning, and, having spent the whole night awake with so much stress, Y/N looked exhausted.

She, ready to sleep on the hospital bed, looked around, as if looking for something, but suddenly her face fell, and she stopped looking.

"Looking for your stuffed animal?" I asked, getting out of my suit and setting it down on the ground next to the seat I would sit next to.

She nodded, eyes sleepy and sad.

"I could run and get you another if you want," I offered, starting to walk towards the door.

"It was from my mom."

I hesitated, wanting to ask her something but not sure if it was the time. "What was her name?"

Y/N frowned, wringing her hands and staring at them. "Erika L/N. She... would always take the beating from father for me, to protect me, she said. But... then when... it got directed towards me."

"Hmm." I paused, not really sure what to say, but then continued, "Well, I'm no Erika L/N but I'm filthy rich and if you want something, I'll get it for you." I reached over and patted their head. "Get some sleep Kid, I'll be back with a toy for you."

Then I walked outside, but not before making sure that she laid down and closed her eyes, and that my suit was incapable of being stolen.

It didn't take long to find another F/A animal for her. I brought it up to the register, ignoring the stares and gaping mouth of the store employee in front of me.

I mean, I didn't blame them. It wasn't long after I had announced that I'm Ironman, of course there would be stares and whispers. Besides, I'm Tony Stark, that should bring stares and whispers regardless. Not to mention that I'm buying a toy F/A animal, of course they're whispering about that.

"Would you like a receipt?"

"No thanks," I replied, grabbing the bag and quickly walking out of there. It had been filled with moms and dads, and that wouldn't make for good gossip.

I walked straight back to the hospital, going inside and going back to her room where I found her lying on her back with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. She turned her head when I came in.

I put a hand in the bag, grabbed the soft stuffed toy, and held it out to Y/N, announcing, "One F/A stuffed toy for Miss Y/N. Just what the doctor ordered."

She cracked a smile, gently taking the toy from me and holding it to her chest, looking at me.

"Thank you."

    "Anytime, kid. I have so much money I don't know what to do with it. The best thing I could do is spoil you a little."

    She gave me another smile, hugging her toy.

    I sat down in my chair beside her, and said, "Speaking of spoiling you, I noticed that you need new clothes. Do you want to go shopping later today? You can choose any clothes you want; in the kids' section, of course."

    Y/N stared at me, confused. "I get to choose my clothes?"

I mentally grumbled to myself asking what the deal is with terrible fathers and answered, "Of course! But if you need anything, Happy and I will be there to help you."

She cracked a smile. "Happy?"

"Yep," I nodded. "I'll contact him and he'll arrive about when you wake up. But, for now, just get some rest, kid."

She yawned at the mention of sleep, and shuffled deeper into her blankets, tightly clinging to her animal. I waited for about an hour, making sure she was totally asleep before reaching over and grabbing my helmet, and putting it on.

"JARVIS? You there?" I whispered as quietly as I could into the mask.

"For you, Sir, always."

    Find anything you can on a woman named Erika L/N."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Who else is a really big Gravity Falls fan?

— Cozi Stark

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