when you leave this place

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I drive down the coast

Watching the life I built for myself fade from the rearview mirror.

I remind myself that this is what I wanted

That this was always the plan.

But then I think of the park next to the river

The mountains in the distance

The smell of a pacific northwest spring

But then I think of the late nights with friends i made

The smiling coworkers

The loud neighbors

But then I think of you.

The way you kissed my forehead before I left you for the first and the last time.

I pull of the road and leave the keys in the engine and make my way to the shore

I look out on an angry ocean

And I think of myself.

In some way or another, it always exists in the places I went and the people I met.

A thick fog is rolling in the waves and remind me it's time to go

It's time to go

You have to go.

WHEN YOU LEAVE THIS PLACE (WHAT WILL YOU TAKE?)Where stories live. Discover now