Chapter 21

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Morning had arrived. Raven had awoken at about six in the morning, allowing for Kyley to sleep in for a longer time than himself. He kissed the Jerseyite's forehead before he pulled the covers back over his body, then closed their bedroom door behind him. He brushed his teeth and rinsed his mouth before leaving the bathroom.

He started to make his way to the kitchen, a loving smile creeping upon the goth's face. He could not be happier than where he was with his life right now. His friends were coming to see him, and he scored just about the most perfect boyfriend the world could offer. He sighed dreamily upon thinking about him, his lips curling up just a little bit more.

Then suddenly, his phone began to buzz. As the jet black haired boy finished brewing his cup of coffee, he removed his phone from his pocket and checked it.

"No way...!" His eyes widened upon seeing who was calling him.


"Hello?" He greets upon answering the phone.

"Is this Miss Raven Fierce?" The voice over the phone questions in almost a teasing tone.

"Why, hell yes it is, Anetra!" He sits down at the counter while a joyful laugh escapes his throat.

"Could it be the same Raven Fierce who has a birthday coming up?" Anetra, or... Kenny McCormick gives a small giggle on the other end of the phone.

"My birthday...?" The goth questions for a second before realizing it. "Holy shit, you're right! My birthday is coming up, I completely forgot!" He gasped.

Raven never really did much on his birthdays before he met and got to know the other Drag Queens. He'd work a long shift, come home, eat a slice of cake by himself, and then cry. He would cry because he wished that he had someone else who wanted to spend his birthday with him, but the ravenette didn't have any friends at that time.

That was before he met the other girls, of course. They would throw him surprise parties every single time that he had one. Anetra went out of her way for the decorations, Marcia would always bake the cakes and other goodies, and Mistress would shop all over the whole damn town just to make sure that Raven had the best gift that was available.

The goth would always end up shedding tears of joy every single time that they did this. That was the first time in his life that he realized that he is loved, that people actually cared for him. They would always dress up in drag and take Raven out to eat, where all four of them had a blast.

Anetra would always flirt with all of the waiters and somehow knock a few dollars off of the bill. Even though she was an introvert, she still managed to flirt enough with the guys to get them to pay for a portion of the meal. Once she got one to pay the entire bill.

"Yep, it's your birthday! You know that means that we are going to throw you the best one out there, right?" Kenny giggles softly, something heard rolling against a hard wood floor in the background.

"...What was that, darling?" Raven questions, having listened to the background noise more than the actual blonde who was trying to speak.

"Oh! It really wasn't anything at all, okay? Totally not a gift for you," Kenny gives a wink before he laughs over the phone.

"Oh, you're too sweet! Really, you did not have to get me one at all. Your company is far more than enough," The jet black haired boy smiles softly, sipping on his coffee.

"Of course I wanted to get you one! Why wouldn't I? You're one of the best friends that I could ever ask for, you know!" He compliments the goth, something heartfelt that he felt was true and sweet.

"You are one of the only few blessings in my life as well, Anetra. Also... How is Sin City?" The black haired boy asks curiously, stretching as he gets up and makes his way to the bathroom. It's time for his daily skincare routine, anyway.

"Sin City is treating me pretty good, actually," Kenny stretches. Luckily for him... The blonde had won a drag performance that gave him a ton of money. He went on a TV show, and the prize for the winner was a billion dollars. He was using it to travel around the country, thinking that it felt amazing to be a rich person. But he still treated his friends the same, if not better. He gifted a good portion of his money to Stan and Butters... Not so much Cartman. "How is New Jersey? Marcia told me that you got a boyfriend!" The blonde gives a knowing grin. "Letttt me guess," He puts a hand to his chin. "A redhead, with green eyes? Buff? Hot?" Kenny teases, giving a compassionate laugh.

"...Yep. That is pretty much it exactly. How did you know?" Raven asks as his face begins to blush an extremely dark red, clearly flustered.

"Because you would always freak over guys that looked like that, dumb bitch!" Kenny starts to laugh hard, placing a hand onto his stomach.

"H-Hey, shut up!" Raven blushes an even deeper red, rolling his eyes. "...When are you going to get your ass up here so that you can tell that to my face, dumbass?" He follows up with a question, unable to hide a laugh.

"Next week!" Kenny steps out to his balcony, watching the busy streets below his apartment. "I finished packing up today. It kind of sucks that I won't be able to leave with Marcia or Mistress, but you know," He rolls his eyes and takes a seat on his outdoor couch.

"Oh yeah... I completely forgot! You're alone, aren't you?" Raven asks, pulling Kyle's robe over himself. It was too big for him, but he cared not.

"Yes ma'am. But I'm not too upset about it," He shakes his head. "Oh...!" Suddenly, a loud thud is heard along with an extremely audible car horn.

"...Oh my god, she killed Anetra!" Raven shakes his head with a few frightened breaths.

"You bastard!" Kyle echoes from his room.

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