David Jones x Female Reader

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Requested by Shenylove4381

Oh boy another one, man I heard about that Jones and Jack are overrated but damn I didn't think there's many Jones simps here 😅

Oh well it better then doing nothing anyways so hope you like it.

This take place in case 31, and instead of Jones got poison it Y/n the one gets it. Oh and Jones and Y/n are dating in this chapter.

Also spoiler alert this is actually in the game, I just changed abit in the story.

Y/n L/n (Your name)(Long name)

N/n (Nickname)



Y/n P.O.V

After you solve the last case, you and Jones were call in the chief office, he said it was important so both you and Jones were heading to the headquarter.

Y/n:"I wonder what so important, maybe another case im assuming" you said to Jones while he drive the car.

Jones:"I don't know maybe, but hopefully nothing brutal like the the one before we solved, it just giving me nightmares" he said shivers when he thought about it.

Y/n:"Oh don't be a wuss sweety, it not that bad, beside we did solved it together right? other then you got distracted by the cupcake and cookies" you said the last sentence was whispering.

But Jones heard it and defending himself by saying.

Jones:"Hey! I just can't help myself ok? The desserts are delicious, and speaking which you even have a bite to" he said smirk at you.

Y/n:"Well atleast im doing my job without any distraction like you did" you said to him back and smirk at him.

Jones:"*chuckle* Fine.. you got me there." he said then both you you start to laugh with each other.

You then both arrived at the police department and go straight to the chief office.

As soon as you come in your Chief spoke.

Chief:"Ahh Major L/n, good thing you're here! As you know, today is a very important day for the citizens of Grimsb--" his word by Jones get too excited.

Jones:"Dog pageant day! I've been waiting for this this for weeks! They say the buffet is sublime, all the best cooks participate!" he said I just quietly chuckle at his dessert obsessed.

Chief:"....Jones, do you ever think about anything else beside eating?" He said with unamused face.

Jones then silent and just rub his neck with an embarrassing face.

Y/n:"Really Jones?" You said

Jones:"Eh..heh.. sorry sir.. please continue." He said Chief just role his eyes then continue.

Chief:" As I was saying, Today is the day of the Dog pageant, Grimsborough's famous canine competition. This is the most important event of the year for the Historical Center, and everyone gets involved." He said

Chief:"The pageant was supposed to start in a couple of hours.... But there's been a tragety" he said

Y/n:"*I firgure there's gonna be another case*" you though and sigh.

Jones:"Oh no! Did something happen to the buffet" he said I just facepalm myself with his stupidity that he only care for the food and not the people dying.

Chief then start to get annoyed and mad with Jones then spoke.

Chief:"For Christ's sake, Inspector Jones, will you stop thinking about Food?!?! I'm talking about the murder, right on site of the pageant!" He said

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