Jack Archer x Female Reader

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Requested by Shenylove4381

Boy why there many Jack simps here 😅 but oh well atleast it better then just stare at the ceiling doing nothing 😂

⚠️ Warning⚠️

This is the first angst request so please bare with me on this one😅

And as always feel free to request it again.

This take place at the last case of season 3 where instead Dupont getting shot you took the bullet instead. (Also I changed the story abit so ye :D)

Y/n L/n (Your name)(Long name)

N/n (Nickname)

(Y/f/f) (Your name)(Favorite)(Flowers)



Jack P.O.V

It been months since she save us from the Sombra leader.

I wish if I turn back time, if I haven't just shoot that woman early, she wouldn't gone....

Im Jack Archer an elite agent from the bureau, before all this happen. I meet an amazing Woman, A good friend, kind, funny, beautiful, and brave.

When she first join the bureau, she was shy but when doing her job, she's is serious. She was an amazing friend and always keep out for any danger and protect the team. Her name is...

Y/n L/n.

Me and Y/n had been together for awhile after I break up from my girlfriend or should I say ex girlfriend.
Y/n always been there with me and my buddy Lars. Y/n confess to me while comfort me after the break up.

Y/n said that she has feelings for me and I have feelings for her too. We were dating while doing our job at the bureau. Things going well so far.

She was happy, Even everyone from the bureau like her. Because she's Thier hero. Y/n even save Michael when she about to get crushed by the bell.

Y/n has a very high sense, she even can sense danger. So that how's she save Michael. She even save Carmen when the rock above her was about to hit her during the earthquake back then.

Everyone knows Y/n having relationship with me. They congrats us. All the Cases we solved together got us learned and changed alot.

Until we were about to end the Sombra's leader plans....


Y/n:"Ok guys, I think I know who kill Natasha, we just need to arrest her" she said

Jack:"Nice work babe, Now let go arrested that woman" you said

Jack:"Wait... which one we arrested again?"

Carmen:"*Facepalm* let just follow your girlfriend order Jack, and we are running out of time to" she said

Y/n:"Follow me you two, and honey you can just check back the suspect in you device you know" she said

Then all of you go follow Y/n, After we arrive at the tall building, we then go arrested that woman for kidnapping the president of the United States. But she kick us out with the bodyguard that's on her side.

Jack:"she's getting away! Now what do we do?!" You said

Y/n:"Let ask Elliot if we can track her down" she said

Carmen:"Good thinking, now we don't have much time let go"

You all three then go back to the bureau and straight go to Elliot.

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