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xxiv. you kiss me in the car and it feels like the start of a movie I've seen before

THEY WALKED TO THE SCHOOL where a group of pirates were berating a droid. Din and Allana stood back.whilst Greef confronted them.

"Come on Vane, that'll be enough of that," he said and the pirates turned to look at him.

"Greef Karga, I knew you wouldn't insult us, join us for a drink," he suggested, taking a step forward.

"This is a school," Greef stated.

Din leant against a tree as hr watched the pirates argue with Karga but Allana knew that the situation was escalating and that this could get ugly.

'Is there a problem here magistrate?" Din asked, moving away from the three and towards Greef.

"Is there a problem here?" The high magistrate questioned, almost testing the pirates.

"Not if you serve me a drink," Vane said, holding eye contact with him.

"Not in my school," Greef demanded, not budging.

Din was ready to fight and the second that he saw Vane pull his blasters out he started shooting, killing the four pirates behind him.

They could hear the citizens of Nevarro screaming as Vane ran away from the situation, gun in hand.

"You sure you want to let him go?" Din questioned, watching as he took the cowards way out.

"He'll make it known that Nevarro us respectable now and not to be trifled with," he explained.

Greef turned to the couple as they walked forward, Grogu in Allanas arms as he reached a hand out for Din.

"I've got to level with you two, I need a marshal," he explained.

"What about Cara?" Din questioned, clearly he had forgotten about the call that Allana had had with the woman discussing her new job.

"After she brought in moff Gideon she was recruited by special forces remember," Allana said and Din nodded.

"So, what do you say. Either of you ready to put on the stripes?" He said, a smirk on his face as he looked at them, "It would give you time to settle down,"

All the talk about settling down was getting to them. Both were having similar ideas, that it was a good plan, but they had so much to sort out first.

"Why not request one one the new republic?" Din questioned.

"The last thing we intend to is to bow down to yet another dar off bureuacracy," the man said, a hint of disdain in his voice.

"I assure you Greef, the new republic isn't like the empire, they've made so many places better," She explained, ready to defend the legacy she helped build.

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