018 | the training

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xviii. I reached for you but you were
gone, I knew I had to go home

AROUND A WEEK AFTER HER TALK with Luke, he could tell that she was really trying to change, to be better.

When she was walking through the grounds, she spotted Luke in his training robe and he called her over.

'Allana, we need to talk," he said, his tone ominous, "Your training is going nowhere,"

She blinked, trying to comprehend the statement, "That's a bit blunt," she said with a scoff.

"I am sorry but I am not a nightsister and I've never met one. I cannot help train you," he explained.

There was a pained feeling in her heart as she thought about the way he was just casting her aside again after she sacrificed everything to come here.

"You promised me you'd train me!" She exclaimed, voice slightly raised in annoyance.

"I thought I could," He said and she scoffed, running her hands through her hair in despair.

"I've sacrificed so much to be here! I've sacrificed the man that I love to be here!" She yelled, shaking her head in disbelief, "what do you expect me to do?"

He sighed. He knew that her reaction was just, especially as he was having to get rid of her for her sake and for the child's but he still felt awful.

"You should go home and be with Peli," he said.

"I don't want to go," She said, her voice softening and turning from an angry tone to a sad one.

"You have to, its the best for you and the child," he explained, "He's too attached and that is dangerous,"

She understood what he meant. His father had fallen in love and the attatchment had destroyed him. He didn't want that to happen to her to but she didn't have to like it.

"Luke, that child needs me," Allana said, trying to convince him one last time.

"Or do you need him?" He asked.

It was silent foe a second as they both thought. Yes, she did need Grogu, she felt like she had grown close to the child and now it was all being ripped away.

But he needed her. He had finally found parents who loved him and it was being taken away just so he could be trained.

"You should go," Luke said when he noticed the tears in her eyes.

She looked up at him, "Can I say goodbye?" She asked and he nodded, pointing her in the direction of thr house.


LANDING BACK ON TATTOINE WAS humiliating to say the least. She'd been gone for over two weeks and to come back made her feel like a failure.

Allana walked back to her mothers mechanics shop, muscle memory taking her back as she tried to figure out how to explain to her mother she'd been kicked out.

When she walked in, her mother was under a speeder, hitting her head as she xame back up to rush and see who was there.

When Peli saw Allana standing there, a sad smile on her face as she looked at her mother. Her brows furrowed as she wiped the oil off her hands, walking towards her daughter.

"Allana, kid, what are you doing back?" She asked, looking at her confused still.

"He kicked me out," she said with a chuckle, almost like the situation was funny.

Peli was still confused, "Why would he do such a thing?" She questioned.

As Allana looked her mother, she realised she knew nothing. She had only told Peli that she was going to Lukes for a while. She didn't know anything about the mission.

"I need to tell you about Din," Allana stated, walking away and sitting down on the bench near the speeder.

Peli walked over and sat down next to her, "Who's Din?" She asked.

Allana smiled, looking at her, "The Mandalorian, he's beautiful," she stated, almost in shock from all of the crazy things that had happened.

Peli sighed. Her daughter had gone through a lot and the Mandalorian had been the best thing that had happened to her in a while.

Then it clicked that she shouldn't know what he looked like, "You saw his face?" She asked.

"You know when I said I went on that mission and Luke saved me and took me back to the temple?" Allana questioned and her mother nodded, "I was kind of kidnapped,"

"Kidnapped! Lana!" Peli exclaimed, shocked at the nonchalant way she mentioned it.

"I was fine and I did it to save the child," she explained, shaking her head.

Allana seemed completely lost without everything and that was the moment Peli knew that the girl had outgrown Tattoine and had outgrown the mechanics business.

"And Din came to me, and he saved my life," she said, turning to look at her mother, "He took his helmet off and-"

Allana stopped what she was saying, a smile on her face as she thought back to the moment she saw him, the warmth of his skin under her hand, the touch of his lips against hers.

"He was beautiful, the most attractive man I'd ever laid my eyes on," she said and Peli smiled at the look on her face, "He kissed me and then I left with Luke to look after the kid,"

Her eyes were wide as she took in the "He kissed you?" She asked and Allana nodded.

"Yeah, and it was perfect," she said, her smile fading when she reached for her comms, "I need to call him and tell him I'm here,"

"You need to rest, you can do that in the morning," Peli said, placing her hand on the girls shoulder.

Allana nodded, walking off almost absentmindedly towards the building and to her bedroom.

As Peli watched her walk away, she sighed. She knew that the girl wasn't meant to be here anymore.

During the war, her purpose was the rebellion and after that ended, she had spent the last five years trying to find a purpose for her life but nothing ever quite stuck.

Now she had the child and the Mandalorian and she had a purpose. She had people who needed her and people that she needed.

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