019 | homecoming

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xix. and I hate you for what you
did and I miss you like a little kid

MANDO WALKED DOWN THE STEPS. He had finally found some people who had survived the massage of the Mandalorian covert and was hiding out with them.

He hobbled over in pain after getting into a fight and the armour called out for Paz Vizsa to tend to his wounds.

Mando removes the leg bandage to show a dark burn and the bacta managed to fix it but there was still questions on what caused the wound.

"What weapon causes such a wound?" The armourer questioned.

He held out the saber, watching as it lit up. She seemed intrigued at how he was wielding the weapon that would rule all Mandalore.

"Bring it to me," she said and Paz Vizsla brought it over to her, "What do you know of this blade?"

"It is the Darksaber, whoever wields it can rule Mandalore," he explained, taking a deep breath as the bacta began to take effect.

"If it is won by cred in battle. If however, it is not won in combat then it will be a curse unto the nation," she explained, looking at it deeply.

"I have completed my quest," Mando said and she nodded.

"Then you may join our covert as we rebuild," she said, handing the weapon back to him.

"This is the way," They all said, the words echoing through the room.

As Mando walked over to the fire with the armourer, giving her the beskar spear to look at, he wondered what Allana was doing now.

She was probably out there living the life she deserved and he was living the one that was chosen for him. They were both of the right path so why did it feel so wrong?

The armourers question pulled him out of his thoughts, "Where did you come upon the beskar spear?"

"It is the gift of a Jedi," he explained, thinking back to that day on Corvus, the day he realised how he felt.

"It's mere existence puts Mandalore at risk," she explained as Beskar was the only weapon that would penetrate their beskar armour.

"Then forge it into armour," he suggested and the armourer nodded.

"The dadksaber is a more noble weapon for you to wield," she said, taking the beskar spear, "What shall I forge?"

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