chapter - 2

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"Porsche".... Vegas calls Porsche as he turns around with a smile but when Kinn saw his face, he spills the water from his mouth and starts coughing hardly.....
When Porsche saw Kinn, his smile fade from his face and he shockingly just looks at Kinn, while Kinn's mind starts playing some flashes of memory, when Porsche directly comes to him and kiss him in the club otherside Porsche's mind starts playing those flashes of memory, when they both intimate.....

When Jom saw Kinn and Porsche, he immediately come to Porsche, he just looks at Porsche and Kinn one by one shockingly....

"You guys know each other ".... Vegas asked....


Kinn , Jom and Porsche said together....

"No, no never".... Porsche said nervously while Jom also support....

"Absolutely never, infact this is the first time we see each other".... Kinn said nervously

"Yeah, he is right we meet first time ".... Porsche support kinn's lie...


Kinn , Jom and Porsche said together while show his hand for shake hands at the same time...

Then Kinn and porsche nervously shakes hands, Jom also shakes hand with Kinn nervously, while Vegas just dumbfounded ly watch all these drama .....

"Nice to meet you".... Kinn said..

"Same here"... Porsche and Jom replied....

Kinn and Porsche looks at each other, while their minds go to that time when they first time meet each other.......


In a club , three friends drink shots and vodka one by one, then one of them said to other something...

"Enjoy your bachelorhood dude, you have only seventeen days after that you can't enjoy that Life again"....Tem said

"You know tem, I got a mini heart attack, when Porsche said that he is going to marry someone and it's a arranged marriage by their parents "..... Jom said....

"Yeah , I never imagined to Porsche to get married and moreover arrange marriage ".... Tem said shockingly....

"Listen guys, till now I never meet anyone who can make me fall for himself and I'm bored of dating all those stupid girls who just like me because of my money ".... Porsche said drunken....

"So, you already decided that you only lose your v-card to your husband because I know you only date those girls not to do anything with them ".... Jom said....

"So what, you know what about marriage I think parent's decision is best. We can be fooled but they never get fooled because they always check everything before give their child's hand to that person and by the way I didn't find anyone and date anyone so, it's not a Big deal . I can handle you know how I am ."... Porsche said frankly....

"Okay, I got it. then I have a dare for you ".... Jom said challengingly...

"What "... Porsche asked...

"You have to kiss the first person who enters in the bar from that door ".... Jom said with a smirk while points towards the VIP door....

"Ai jom, stop this nonsense, Porsche you don't need to do that "..... Tem said while hit jom's head...

"Why are you hitting me, I'm just giving him a dare, follow it or not it's his choice ".... Jom said while caresses his head

"Which type of dare it is "... Porsche asked angrily because he knows Jom taking revenge of college football match, where Jom lost to him ....

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