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"Sun." Jin called as he walked to her office space and sat in the chair next to her, knowing the owner of the space was currently in Aruba anyways. 

"What's with the sudden code names, Topaz?" Jisoo answered as she turned around and turned to face him. 

"No reason. Do you have the reports on the Laurier case?" He asked first as she hummed and checked through the files on one of the monitors next to her.

"Yeah, they just came in. You have to get to Pathology lab #5 and check the samples yourself though." She confirmed for him and turned back, expecting that to be the end of their conversation. 

"Can't Soul just send it up? He's in there all the time anyways Jin mocked exhaustion with a dramatic groan.

He's in a meeting right now. So you're out of luck Jin." Jisoo laughed as she offered a sympathetic pat on his back while looking back at her screens. 

"Anyways, apart from that, I'm here to give you this." Jin mentioned as he handed over an envelope as she piqued an eyebrow at that.

"It's for Hoseok's surprise birthday. Show this at the restaurant and you'll get in." He explained as he pointed at the card at the mention of it.

"Ah, gotcha. You didn't need to come all the way just for this though." She said, feeling a little sorry as she knew how big the intelligence office span was.

"Eh, it was an excuse to talk to a friend for a little and get an update on the case." He reasoned with a shrug of his shoulders as he headed back the way he came, while Jisoo only shook her head at the guy. 

Carefully opening the envelope, she saw a card with her name on it along with the name of the event, which was being hosted in a private room atop a famous yet exclusive KBBQ restaurant. 

Stashing the invite in her bag, she quickly stretched her back as she got back to work, knowing that she would be stuck here until 11 pm at the least.


"I mean, I just don't get it! Babysitting? Babysitting? I'm a top level agent, earning millions a year. I don't need to be babysitting! No matter how much the fee is! Wait, actually, how much am I getting paid for this?" Lisa paused her rant as she turned to the Jennie she tracked down almost 2 hours after her newest job was revealed to her.

"Weeeell, it's not fixed yet, but we're looking at $3-4 million flat rate, and additional fee's for causalities and unexpected occurrences while you're on the job." Jennie said as Lisa staggered a little at the unexpected high rate for babysi-guarding a man.

"Okay, well, whatever. I'd rather not take the money than babysit. No matter how nice the offer is. No matter how really nice it is..." She continued while pacing, contradicting herself with the slip up of how enthralled she was by the fee.

"Look lis, just think of it as a paid vacation. You're gonna be traveling in private jets and doing half your normal work with a guy who is damn easy on the eyes. It's really not that bad." Jennie muttered as she took a sip of the milk shake that Yoongi was having next to her on the couch in one of their common areas.

"Wait, now I want to see him." Yoongi muttered as he leant into Jennie's holographic device display and leant back into his seat with an impressed nod.

"Yeah, it's verified." He said as Lisa turned towards them with an unimpressed look.

"Come on now! We've worked with celebrities! He can't be that..." Lisa muttered as she walked over and looked at the display Jennie showed her and stopped talking as soon as his face flashed on the screen.

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