I'll Pay!

34 4 56




The Cast:

Janice (mentioned)




The Description:

Jenie and Ruby eat out at a fancy restaurant. The night is nearly perfect until they get into a fight over who will pay for the bill.


The Story:

Jenie and Ruby were eating out. They both had a long day at work and wanted to wind down by dining on delicious food. Without hesitation, they agreed to go to Applebee's, which was situated nearby the university at which Ruby worked.

Jenie ordered iced tea and some double-glazed baby back ribs. Ruby was having steak and water. Since tomorrow was a work day, Jenie declined when the waiter asked her if she would like to try their vodka. Ruby responded with a curt 'Hindi ako nag-iinom.' 

By the time their appetizers arrived, Ruby had Jenie laughing like crazy over the stories that she was sharing with her regarding some experiences she had with other teachers and students at the university. Ruby did most of the talking, while Jenie was engrossed in the food. When Ruby asked Jenie if she had anything to share about her workplace, Jenie shook her head firmly before she shifted the conversation to the concert that Sarah Geronimo would be having in Bulacan the following week.

Ruby let it pass and listened as Jenie rambled about her admiration of the Filipino singer-songwriter.

Once they were both done eating, Jenie flagged over a waiter and requested for the bill. 

When the waiter returned with the bill, Jenie grabbed it and pored over the tiny sheet of paper. Her eyes landed on the total amount, and she tilted her head back in laughter.

"Bakit?" Ruby chuckled, her eyes dancing with curiosity.

"Next time, sa Jollibee na lang tayo kumain," Jenie remarked.

Ruby urged Jenie to hand over the bill to her. "Patingin nga."

Jenie did as told, and Ruby examined the bill. She laughed loudly upon realizing what Jenie meant.

"Do not worry. I will take care of it, Jen," Ruby said with a wink.

Jenie's eyes widened. "No need! I just got a little shocked is all. Sorry about that."

Ruby smiled as she brought out her wallet. "It will be on me tonight."

In one swift motion, Jenie brought out her wallet.

Upon realizing what Jenie was doing, Ruby began counting her money quickly.

For them, it was a race. Neither wanted the other to win. 

As the older one in their friendship, Jenie felt that it was her obligation to take care of all the expenses from their outings. On the other hand, Ruby did not want Jenie to win, since she understood how difficult it was for Jenie to keep track of all the expenses and at the same time set aside some cash for herself. Then there was the need to save as well, in case of emergencies or life-changing situations.

Ruby was fast. However, Jenie was faster. At last all those hours of math practice in her spare time when she was in university had paid off.

Jenie was about to place her money on top of the bill when she realized that Ruby was holding it. She made a grab for the bill, though Ruby was prepared for this. The younger woman placed the bill on her lap, so that Jenie would not get to touch it.

Jenie pouted at this. The waiter chuckled in amusement as he watched their interaction.

Then Jenie's pout turned into a grin when an idea popped into her mind. She looked at the waiter and said, "Here is the payment." She handed the fat wad of cash to the man, who nodded and reached for it.

Panicked, Ruby shouted, "Wait!"

Simultaneously, Jenie and the waiter looked at Ruby, who brought out two five-hundred peso bills. She combined it with the wad of cash that she already gathered on her side of the table before she handed it over the waiter. 

"If you accept my payment, you will have a one-thousand peso tip as a reward."

Jenie's eyes widened. Is she really that desperate to pay tonight?

The waiter's eyes gleamed with a hint of reluctance. He looked apologetic as he returned the wad of cash that Jenie had given him to her. A smile graced his lips as he took the money from Ruby.

He gave both women a slight bow. "Ladies, thank you. Please come again."

He waited for them to leave their table before he collected their glasses, plates, and utensils. Later that night, the boss would ask him why he looked as if he had just won a flat-screen television. Then the waiter would be too ecstatic to even understand what Boss was asking him.

The two women walked out of the restaurant in two different moods. 

Once they reached the car, Ruby noticed that Jenie was watching her.

Ruby frowned and tilted her head to the side. "What?"

"Are you happy now?" Jenie asked Ruby, scrutinizing her.

"Now that I was the one who paid for dinner, yup." Ruby flashed a smug smile at Jenie, who did not seem amused one bit.

"Ruby... Wasn't that the money that Janice gave you to buy her vitamins?"

Ruby's smile faded when she realized her big mistake. She let out a deep breath.

"Great, I'm toast..."

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