Can You Buy This For Me?

63 7 96




The Cast:








The Description:

When the youngest in the group asks for money


When somebody else in the group asks for money


The Story:

It was a fine Saturday afternoon. A group of six girls agreed to hang out at the mall, given that none of them had school or work that day. None of them were hungry yet, so they decided to walk around until their stomachs began to growl. Unsurprisingly, their first stop was H&M.

"See anything you like, Rubs?"

Ruby wheeled around to find Janice approaching her. She glanced at the clothes rack that she was browsing and shook her head. "Nothing so far. I've never really been into clothes. I usually just wear whatever I feel comfortable in. What about you?"

Janice emitted a chuckle. "I'm pretty much the same. Though I can never bring myself to wear a skirt."

"Ate Jan! Ate Jan!"

Janice and Ruby snapped their heads in the direction from which the voice came. With a maroon leather bag in her hand, Queen was rushing towards them.

"Can you buy this bag for me?"

"Sure, Queen," Janice answered without hesitation, barely glancing at the bag. "How much is it?"

"3,500," Queen replied with a sheepish smile, hoping silently that Janice would not change her mind after learning the price.

Janice brought out a fat wad of cash from her wallet and started counting. Queen stood there patiently, the smile never leaving her face.

When she was finished, Janice handed a large portion of the money to Queen, who gasped in delight and started jumping up and down.

"Thank you so much, ate Jan!"

Queen turned on her heel and ran off in the direction of the cashier counter. Janice watched her movements with a smile.

"Ate Jan! Ate Jan! Can you buy this dress for me?"

At the sound of the unmistakable voice, Janice's smile faded. She turned to look at Jenie, who was holding up a white floral, short-sleeved dress and staring expectantly at her. Wearing her usual stoic expression, Gail stood behind Jenie.

Meanwhile, Kara was lingering near the entrance of the store. She was staring longingly at the nearby Wendy's restaurant, the image of their tender chicken nuggets clouding her mind.

Jenie thought that if Janice were willing to spend such a large amount of money on Queen, there was no doubt that she would do the same for her... Right?

Janice shook her head. "You have your own money. Go pay for it yourself."

Without waiting for a response, Janice walked off to the counter where Queen was handing the money she had given her to the cashier. Jenie pouted while Ruby watched their interaction with amusement. Even Gail was suppressing a smile.

Once Janice was out of earshot, Gail and Ruby broke into laughter.

"Rejected!" Ruby remarked teasingly.

Jenie's pout deepened as she muttered her response.

"Shut up, Ruby."

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