Rhyme 20

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"A LOVERS REGRET"As I stroll and gaze up at the sky so blue,
Memories of us together fill my mind anew.

I remember the happy times we had,
Laughing and walking, without a care, so glad.

Life felt perfect with you by my side,
Seeing your lovely face, my heart swelled with pride.

But fate can be cruel and put us to the test,
Challenging us to see if we'll fight or rest.

We can't escape life's trials and woes,
But we can choose to fight or let them impose.

After a year of hiding, our love was discovered,
My family tried to keep us apart, but we uncovered.

They thought I should be with someone rich,
But I chose you, my love, without a hitch.

I was kicked out without a single thing,
But I didn't care as long as you were my everything.

That night when I had nowhere to go,
You came to mind, the only person I know.
I went to your door and was about to knock,
But then I saw you kissing someone else, like a shock.

I didn't know what to feel, what to do,
So I just walked away, trying to forget about you.

I don't know why you chose to deceive,
If I lacked something, or if you wanted to leave.

But one thing's for sure, my heart's in pain,
And my tears won't stop falling, like a never-ending rain.

Arman's POV:

I can't stop my tears from falling down my face,
As I read Sellena's letter with so much grace.

When she caught me cheating, she chose to run away,
And now, she's gone, and my conscience won't sway.

I can't help but feel guilty for what I've done,
For losing a precious life, I can't just shun.

So I'll keep on regretting until the end of my days,
For the love I lost and the price I had to pay.

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