Rhyme 9

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No matter what I do I'm still nothing to you,
My every effort seems futile and few,
No matter how hard I strive to please,
My attempts to win your heart do cease.

I've written sonnets and love letters,
And penned you songs to make you feel better,
I've brought you flowers and chocolates sweet,
But all my gestures you seem to delete.

I've traveled miles to be by your side,
And given you my all with nothing to hide,
I've stood through the test of time and distance,
But to you, I seem to lack significance.

No matter how much I try to impress,
You never seem to notice or address,
The love I have that's pure and true,
Which burns inside me bright like a hue.

I've given you all the space you need,
And always been there to support your creed,
I've respected your wishes and obeyed your rules,
But you seem to keep me outside of your jewels.

No matter what I do, I'm still nothing to you,
And the pain of rejection feels anew,
I wonder if I'll ever be good enough,
Or if my love for you will always be tough.

Maybe it's time to walk away,
And let go of this love that's turned to gray,
To find someone who'll cherish me for me,
And make me feel loved, appreciated, and free.

No matter what I do, I'll always be something to me,
And I'll learn to let go and set myself free,
To find love that's reciprocated and true,
And bid my love for you a final adieu.

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