Okay be safe my darling love who I adore so much.

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I woke up in a field. "Hello?" I shouted looking around trying to find if there was at least one person in the field.

"Hello sweetheart." I heard a women say from behind me. I whipped around to see a women with strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a white dress with flower patterns on it that went down to the mid of her calves. she had green eyes and pale skin.

"Who are you?" I questioned looking at the women who was just a tiny bit shorter than me. I was around 5"5 So she has to be 5"4.

The women smiled sweetly. "I'm your mother dear." I looked at her like she was crazy.

"But you died when I was younger." I said tilting my head slightly to the side.

"Honey where do you think you are right now?" The women questioned holding my hands.

I shook my head. "No I cant be." I said pulling hands away from hers.

"Sweetheart you need to wake up everyone needs you. Your dad needs you." My mum said grabbing onto my arm.

"But what if I want to stay with you?" I questioned looking into her eyes.

"You can't stay here. It's to early for you." She said turning her back to me and motioning her hands at someone.

"Leo?" I questioned as my friend came into frame.

"Hazel." He said wrapping his arms around my neck. I hugged him back.

"You need to go back Hazel. I will look after your mum I promise." Leo said pulling away.

"Wait Leo are you?" Leo nodded wiping my tears that escaped my eyes.

"Me and Leo will always be watching over you sweetie." My mum said wrapping her arms around my neck. I hugged her back tightly until she pulled away and put a arm around Leos shoulder.

"We love you Hazel." My mum said before her and Leo faded away.

Before I could process anything everything went white. I heard beeping fill my ears. I tried opening my eyes but they felt to heavy.

Once I finally managed to open my eyes I realised I was in the hospital. I looked to my right and saw Spencer sleeping his head wresting next to my thigh and his hand interlocked with mine. When I looked over to my left I saw my dad laying the same way Spencer was except my dads hand wrested on my calf.

I squeezed Spencer hand and tapped my dads head. Spencer woke up first he groggily looked up at me until his face burst into a smile. Spencer wrapped his arms around my neck hugging me for a while until he kissed me sweetly on the lips.

"Hey." I said while smiling.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Spencer asked holding my face in his hands.

I smiled at him before nodding "I'm feeling okay just a but sore." I said while winking. Spencer laughed and put his head on my forehead.

"You're gonna start wishing it was that type of sore." he said placing a kiss on my nose I laughed.

I noticed my dad hadn't woken up. "How long have I been out?" I asked looking back at Spencer.

"2 days." He said holding my hand. I looked at him in shock.

"2 days? You both haven't been here the whole time have you?"

Spencer looked down.

"Yeah we have sweetheart." I heard my dad say from beside me. I looked at both of them baffled.

"Before you tell us both off I'm going to go tell the doctor and the rest of the team that you are awake." Spencer said kissing my forehead before leaving the room.

I smiled at the door before my dad touched my hand squeezing it slightly.

"The looks at you like you are the last women in the world."

I turned to look at my dad smiling. "He does?" I questioned looking down. My dad nodded.

"Have you guys said the L word yet?" My dad said wiggling his eyebrows. I shook my head.

I looked at my dad and shook my head. "No. Is that bad since we've been together for 5 months?"

"No sweetheart its not bad. Just don't think about it to much." He said.

"Don't think about what to much?" Spencer asked walking in with the team behind him.

"Nothing don't worry about it." I said smiling at him. Spencer wearily smiled.

"Oh my sweetness how are you feeling!" Penelope said wrapping her arms around me tightly. I hugged her back the best that I could.

"I feel fine." I said smiling at her. She smiled back before letting everyone else hug me.

"Hazel oh my, we were so worried about you." Emily said as her and JJ came up to me both hugging me separately.

"Well no need to worry anymore." I said laughing as JJ hugged me.

"Good to see you are okay kid." Aaron said patting my shoulder and smiling at me. I smiled back before I saw Derek.

"Hey hot stuff." Derek said coming to my side.

"Hey ratatouille." I said laughing as he hugged me.

"Well at least we know Hazel is still the same as she was before." Dad said laughing. We all started laughing.

The doctor walked into the room clearing his throat. We all looked at him. "Miss Rossi. You are free to leave." He said before leaving the room.

"Finally oh my lord." I said sitting up. Everyone laughed at my eagerness to leave.

"Let's get you home Dove." Spencer said before grabbing my clothes.


Once we got back to my apartment Spencer took me to my room. "Do you want me to stay with you until you are fully rested?" Spencer asked sitting beside me on the edge of the bed.

"If that's okay with you." I said pulling the covers up to my face. Spencer giggled at my action and nodded.

"Of course that is okay with me." He said kissing the crown of my head.

"You go to sleep I just need to go to my apartment to grab a few things." Spencer said kissing me and standing up.

"Okay be safe my darling love who I adore so much." I said mockingly doing the royal wave. Spencer burst out laughing before going down the stairs that connect to my room.


Sorry this chapter is very boring this is just a filler chapter :)

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