We need a medic

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The whole team were circled around the table in the conference room. I looked out of the window beside me looking at Hazel who was sat at my desk. She had her head resting on my desk, she looked like she was sleeping. "I'm just going to go check on her." I said walking out of the door.

I walked up to my desk and before I could put my hand on Hazels back she looked up and mw and sent me a weak smile. "Hey Spence." She said before putting her head back on the desk. Her auburn her falling around her face. I crouched down by the side of her.

"Hazel?" I said placing my hand on her thigh. She tilted her head to the side slightly so she could look at me. "Everything is going to be okay." I said placing my hand on her cheek stroking my thumb against her cheekbone. She just nodded before jumping into me arms and hugging me. I heard her whimpering a little until she broke into sobs. I held her up as her knees buckled. I placed one hand on the back of her head and the other holding her back. I held her like that for a while until I saw Hotch walking over.

"Hazel." Hotch said placing his hand on her back. Hazels grip tightened around my neck but she nodded.

"Hazel I'm sorry but you're going to have to stay with someone until this blows over and always have someone by your side." I looked at Hotch.

"Do you want me to stay with you love?" I asked stroking her hair. She nodded against the crook of my neck. Aaron nodded and rubbed her back before returning to the conference room.

From behind us I heard Hazels phone begin to ring. She looked up confused but pulled away to grab it. "It's a unknown number." She said before hanging it up.

"Strange." I said before I could say anything else her phone rang again. "Is it a unknown number again?" Hazel nodded. I grabbed her hand and dragged her into the conference room.

"Garcia start tracking a phone call." I said before turning to Hazel. "Hazel answer it." Hazel nodded answering the phone.

"Hello?" Hazel said while placing the phone onto the table.

"Hello Hazel." I voice said from the other side of the phone. "I'm sorry but who is this?" Hazel asked looking around at everyone.

"Oh you know who I am." The voice said. Shuffling could be heard from the other end of the phone.

"I actually don't know who you are." Hazel said looking down at the phone then to Penelope.

Penelope motioned for Hazel to keep talking.

"Hazel don't play dumb with me." The voice said.

"I'm not playing dumb with you." Hazel said with so much confidence. I know this is very much the wrong time but she looks so hot.

"I have your buddy Leo with me. Leon say hi." The voice said. rustling being heard from the other end of the phone. Hazel face went pale. I placed my hand on her lower back to show my support.

"h-Hazel?" a young voice said from the other side of the phone.

"Leo!" Hazel shouted into the phone. "Leon where are you?" Hazel said panic lacing her voice.

"Hazel help me." Leo said before The Terrorist took the phone back.

"You have 5hrs or else he dies." That was the last thing said before the line cut. Hazel stood up and walked out of the conference room without another word. I turned towards Penelope.

"I've got a location but its in a different state." Penelope said looking around at everyone.

"Which state Baby girl?" Derek asked leaning over to her.

Stolen Love~ Spencer reid x Oc Fem!Where stories live. Discover now