Chapter 4: Organizing Change

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Muzan Kibutsuji POV

I smile at Kagaya, happy that things were able to go the way I planned. I guess I may have believed him to be very different from who he is; a calm and amenable man around the same age as me when I became a demon. He is weak physically, yet his spirit is strong and he doesn't fear death. I admire him in some respect, because although I am the strongest being to ever exist aside from Yoriichi Tsugikini, Kagaya displays mental fortitude and peace of mind far greater than mine. I always feared death above anything else yet Kagaya is brave enough to face it head on. This will be an interesting life to say the least.

"Kagaya, I believe it would be helpful to meet frequently and potentially bring some demons and humans to try to regulate a relationship between humans and demons. We need to ensure our kind are capable of getting along and figuring out a way beyond their differences. Could you perhaps bring, say, three humans to start? I will do the same with demons, of course. We need to figure out a way to coexist and find a compromise between our needs. When do you suppose we should meet?" I ask relentlessly.

"Hm," Kagaya gazes at nothing with a stoic expression, "Every Sunday from 9-12pm? Here at the Ubuyashiki estate. I expect great things in the future, Kibutsuji-san."

With those final words, I remove myself from the estate, picking up a cup of tea and teleporting to the infinity castle. Great things in the future indeed.

"NAKIME!" I scream, slightly irritated and a bit used to treating my subordinates like trash, even the upper moons.

"Yes, Master? What is it that you require of me?" Nakime bows her head and teleports me to the room she was in, long black hair still covering her eye and biwa in hand.

I grit my teeth trying to put up an act to match how I used to as to not cause suspicion, "You've grown weak, Nakime. If you want to keep your title or your life, you need to prove your worth to me. Two days from now I need you to accompany me on Sunday to an important gathering. Don't question my intentions or I'll snap your neck," I snap with a glare that seems to terrify even the 7th strongest demon on earth. I hate myself right now, but these cruel actions and words are what I'm accustomed to, and are in a sense who I am, or have become.

"Yes Master," she says, trying to hide her trembling. I don't want to hurt people or demons anymore. My old self would be screaming at me now, but dying shook me enough to show me that life does not last forever. It showed me that I can't allow everyone to die for me, someone more pathetic than any of those who grovel before me. I will not allow anyone to die for me.

I promised Ubuyashiki three demons. So far, I have one. I need demons who can actually have a chance of being less hostile, and out of the moons, that's not many. Any demon below that, I hate to say, is not important enough for the level of intelligence these meetings will entail. And then, at last, it comes to me. I can ask Tamayo. And... perhaps I can even accomplish what the prior me never could. I could get Tamayo to retake my blood and genuinely become a demon like any other, instead of being cut off from me. Technically, Yushiro and Tamayo are separate from other demons, but I could change that with Tamayo since she used to be one.

Quickly, I begin writing a letter for Tamayo, asking her to take more of my blood and become a stronger demon. I make sure to include two large vials of my blood with the note, one for her and one for her medicine. Additionally, I tell her that if she accepts I can come to her aid and communicate with her telepathically. On the plus side, I add that she will still be free of the Kibutsuji curse and would not die even if I did. I tell her that if she accepts my offer I would appreciate it if she could visit the Ubuyashiki estate from 9-12 pm in two days. Lastly, I tell her I never want anyone to die for me ever again, and I hope she knows that.

With that a cap my pen and send Tamayo the letter, hoping that things can go differently this time around. But I still need one more person, and I can't seem to think of an upper moon that could possibly work for this. If we're trying to make a good first impression on the slayers, I can't have someone who's going to kill them. Daki, maybe? She assumes a human form and is able to at the very least interact with them, so she's the best choice I have left.

I summon Daki to the infinity castle, the infinite doors turning, opening, and changing. At last, Daki appears before me and leans on me, in an awkward stance between bowing and clinging to my arm. I feel, in that moment, pity for the girl. I falsely made her believe that I had any affection for her. That I- That I loved her. But I could never bring myself to love or to feel at all. Yet she believed me, clung to me like some savior. I need to tell her the truth. I need to let her be free.

"Muzan-sama..." Daki whines in annoyance as I push her off my arm. Normally I would let her foolishly trust me and think that I felt something towards her. I'm done toying with others emotions.

"Ume," I say to Upper 6, "Ume, stop."

"Muzan-sama?" Ume stares at me confused and taken aback, "why would you use my real name? I-I thought we were meant to assume new names along with our ranks?"

"Ume, I'm tired of playing...of playing games with you," I take a breath, "I'm tired of-of lying to you." Light tears roll down my face as I try to confront who I was. Tell myself I am no longer him.

"You didn't love me?" She seems like a child that's told that all the fantastical creatures they believed in aren't real, "Muzan, tell me that's not true."

"I'm sorry, Ume. I haven't been a good person, if you can even call me that. But I'm trying to change, trying to save you from the fate I set for you. You die, as does every other demon and myself. I can't let anyone else die for me. I've promised myself that much. But Ume, after all I've done I still must ask for your help. Come to the Ubuyashiki Estate at 9 to 12 pm in two days from now. And please, if you can, don't kill anyone," I say with a grimace, leaving Ume to question how real any of her life had been.  

A/N: Should I do a Scaramouche x reader fic?

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