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The moment you woke up you jumped out of bed to make some final preparations.
You usually weren't a morning person, but you were eager to find out what was going on with Gabriel.

"He surely wouldn't expect me to be awake this early!" You kept on repeating to yourself to erase any thought of doubt that entered your head.

After you removed the furniture barricading your door you went to get the keys for the door.
But when you looked into the cupboard, you realised that they weren't there.
Gabriel had took them.
Who else could it have been?
Did he know?
How could he know?
He was some sort of powerful creature, so if he was able to read minds it wouldn't surprise you.
Luckily you had a few replacement keys hidden around the house.
Nothing would stop you today!

You unlocked the door with a key that you kept under the mattress of your bed.
This time, the lock did not click.
It was still horribly cold outside, but just a bit of cold wasn't enough to stop you.
You moved from street to street, trying your best to stay hidden.
So far so good!
You had come a long way without encountering any alternate!
But now, you didn't really know where to go.
Gabriel could be anywhere!

The church on the hill ripped you from your thoughts. It was as if all light had faded around it, the midnight blue covering the sky above it giving off an eerie atmosphere.
Maybe finding out more about the alternates would be a good idea too, since Gabriel seems to have a connection to them.
Or maybe someone needed help?

You decided Gabriel could wait and went up to investigate what was going on at the church.
The way up was hard, since the grass hadn't seen a lawnmower in quite a long time.

Eventually, you made it up to the church.
Close enough to see what was going on, but distant enough to go unnoticed.

A man was standing there, in front  of the church. He had a name tag entitled "Dave".

What was "Dave" doing out here so carelessly?
He didn't look like a religious man either, just what was he doing here?

As you tried to examine the man, observing every detail you noticed something white floating in the dark sky.

What? couldn't be...Gabriel?
It just couldn't be!

What would Gabriel be doing here anyways? Didn't he say he hated humans?

Your suspicion was confirmed as the floating thing spoke:
"You were so close, David. You had it all figured out. The stage was set for you! Yet you still managed to follow the shepherd..."

Your knees got soft and your breath was shaking.
Without a doubt, that was Gabriel's Voice, but it was a little different to the one you had heard him use.
It was deeper, powerful and sounded devilish, each word spoken sent a shiver trough your whole body.

You regretted coming here. But you were so close from the truth, you couldn't give up now!
Just what was Gabriel doing?

Alt.Gabriel x Reader "My little Snowflake"Where stories live. Discover now