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Luckily when you woke up Gabriel was still there. He had prepared some delicious looking pancakes for you and when you asked him where he got the ingredients for it he said "A magician must never reveal his secrets" .
The rest of the morning went by rather peacefully but yesterdays encounter was stuck in your head. This was bugging Gabriel, so eventually he spoke "Were you acquainted with that scum? My sweet dove you see, when you're with me, I should be the only thing on your mind. In fact, I should be the only thing in your mind at all times, for I am your true saviour". But you couldn't stop thinking about it. The alternate you had met was the alternate of your best friend, who you cared for deeply. You knew it wasn't a good idea for him to join that- Paranormal society? Was it? Ever since he followed that Adam guy into an investigation he never came back. It's kind of silly, isn't it? How quick things can go wrong.
The feeling of Gabriel's hot breath against your neck ripped you from your thoughts. "Ahh, silly little human! Before you worry yourself into insanity just tell me what's bothering you! I'm sure I can help you find a solution, for I am your-"

"True Saviour Gabriel, yeah I got that part the last 7 times you said it" you replied, but oh, that was a mistake. If one person had anger issues, it was Gabriel- that remark made him snap, he had done so much for you, but you still didn't pledge your eternal love to him. He was furious. "Would you like to repeat that huh, useless mortal? Cant you see? I've done everything for you! I am doing everything I can for you, my love- DOVE! My dove.... Your kind is so foolish and ungrateful. I am the TRUE SAVIOUR! I FOOLED THE SHEPHERDS- AFTER ALL IVE DONE FOR YOU- YOU DECIDE TO MAKE FUN OF ME? You foolish little thing, he spat, as his face started to twist. "You are lucky I have taken a liking to you, I usually eliminate your kind on sight"
He continued to ramble, but his words started to fade as you focused fully on his face.
His angelic eyes had morphed into long, black orbs. They reminded you of a black hole, seemingly sucking your soul into them if you stared at them for too long. His face was stretched and so was his nose that now had a pointy end. Despite his harsh words his mouth streched into a wide smile, showing off his teeth.
It was all just too much. The years you had spent here, hiding from the monsters, the troubles that were waiting outside and now you had let it in. You were trembling, shaking, you couldn't control your breathing anymore. Your shaky breaths turned into loud sobs as Gabriel's once pretty face morphed into something that looked like it came from the pits of hell.
Your eyes were puffy and swollen, eyes blurry from your tears.
But the fact that Gabriel was morphing into a moster wasn't the main reason of your tears, for all you knew this could be his real form. You were crying out of frustration. Crying because you were angry. Angry at yourself. You knew he was some sort of alternate from the start and yet you still fell in love with him, you craved his soft wings around you, the way his golden locks looked in contrast to his pale face, it was hypnotising to you. He even killed an alternate the other day! He killed a being that was rumoured to be immortal. And it's not just that he killed it, he killed it fast. The thinf disappeared within a second! So Gabriel must be a high rank alternate? Their leader?? Gabriel might have even killed your best friend!
You could see him coming closer, despite your blurry eyes. Would this be your end? How could such an Evil being look so angelic?
You took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes. If he'd kill you, you at least wanted to take a look at the thing that had once been so beautiful.
You heart skipped a beat. Above you was not some kind of demonic face, no, Gabriel's face had changed back into its normal form, his face full of concern. " I'm so sorry, my dove, I forgot that form can appear to be frightening for your kind. I'm really sorry, please stop crying! It hurts me to see you this way, please tell me all of your desires and I'll fulfil them! I am more powerful than you could ever imagine"
As you weakly whispered something into his ear, he smiled and said "Wait here, my darling, I'll be right back with what your heart desires"

Alt.Gabriel x Reader "My little Snowflake"Where stories live. Discover now