Sky Island 10

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It was quite surprising that there was a part of this land that was sacred. But the fact that God resides there was even more so. "God lives there!?" Luffy appeared to be the most shocked at this news. "In the place you must never, ever set foot!?" He was standing up shouting and everything, while the others were looking at Conis. Some of them in shock or the others didn't change.
"By 'God', you mean the God? God lives on Sky Island?" Chopper ended up asking, just to make sure they were speaking of the same thing.
"Yes. Because Skypiea is God's land, it is ruled by the almighty God Enel." Conis came to explain this to him and everyone else.
"Almighty God?"
"Enel? Never heard of him." This had been stated by Lián, as she took a sip of her drink. "Does God even have a name?" She turned to Jián to see what his answer would be.
"Does it matter? He doesn't exist." Was his response as he also took a sip.
"He does!" But both of them turned back to Conis who shouted that. "God Enel knows everything that goes on in this world."
"Everything!?" Usopp was believed what she said, but it caused Jián to roll his eyes.
"He watches over us, always." But despite saying that, she appeared to be in despair about it.
"W-What!? Anyways!?" Now even Usopp was so shock he stood up.
"Even now?" Luffy was asking her.
"Of course."
"Eh!? He's watching over us as this very moment!?" This caused Chopper to look around in a panic. Not that there was anything that could be seen other then what was already there.
"Hmph. God, huh?" However, there appeared to be another that didn't believe this.
"Zoro, you don't believe in God?" Had caused the doctor to look over and ask him.
"Dunno. I don't care whether God exists or not. It's never mattered to me one bit." Zoro began to answer him, after taking a drink of water. "Well, not that I have anything against anyone who wants to believe." This had been added on, as this was all his own opinion.
"So, this God who lives on Upper Yard... have you even seen him, Conis-chan?" This Question had come from Sanji, as it would be reasonable for those to see the so-called-God.
"No! I've never seen Him!" However, that didn't appear to be the case as she denied such a thing. "We cannot set for on Upper Yard. Ever..." The mood in the room had become heavy and silence as the only thing that could be heard was the wind-chimed ringing due to the wind blowing. "The sacred ground, Upper Yard, is forbidden."
"Is that right?" Despite hearing such a thing... "A place we must never, ever set foot, huh?" There appeared to be someone sparkling with excitement.
"Oi, Luffy!" Those that knew the young man filled with excitement already realised what it was that he was thinking. "What the hell are you thinking right now!?" Luffy was being shook by the collar of his vest by Usopp, Shouting this question for he had feared the answered. "Listen to what she's saying! 'Must never set foot on' means you ABSOLUTELY must not go there, Luffy!"
"Is that right? A place we must never, ever set foot, huh?" Luffy only repeated himself, with the same grin across his face. "Is that right? A place we must never, ever set foot, huh?" It was clear that he definitely wanted to go and they all knew it.
"Is he a moron?" Lián looked to her side, towards her brother upon asking this question.
"He's definitely a moron." Which had only been answered by Jián, as it was clear that the words were jousting going in one ear and out the other.
"But, even if you're not allowed to go there, God will still forgive you if you do, right?" Luffy turned around, his mouth being stuffed with food, asking this question. "He's nice, right?"
"But... breaking a law that God has created Is sacrilege." Conis didn't appear to understand...
"Is that so? Oh well. Whatever." It didn't matter what she said Luffy wasn't going to give up.
"So, what are the consequences of entering this forbidden Upper Yard?" Robin was curious upon the punishment of this act.
"W-Well..." But the young woman hesitated answering the question.
"Well?" The twins both repeated in unison.
"You will not return alive, we believe." The one to finish the answer had been Pagaya, but it appeared that they didn't have the complete truth since it was only what they believe to be the case.
"W-Won't return alive!?" Needless to say that Usopp began frighten hearing this.
"Y-You're worried about Nami-sun, aren't you?" The old man asked seeing Sanji's shocked expression after he had listened to the punishment. "It's best if she does not get too close to Upper Yard."
"NAMI-SWAAAN! DON'T MOVE A MUSCLE! WE'RE COMING TO GET YOU!" The cook began shouting over the balcony in hopes that Nami would hear him somehow. Not that she would be able to.
"Let's go there! We'll go find Nami!" Luffy shouted this, but he had a large grin across his face.
"Is Nami really a part of your plan!?" But Usopp saw through the captain and what he was really thinking. "You just want to enter that forbidden place, don't you!?" He was shaking the rubber head.
Listening to the punishment that befalls all those that step on Upper Yard, Sanji, in fear for Nami, had gotten up and was ready to head off. "Oi, Luffy! Let's go!"
"Wait a sec. Gotta eat this first." But the young captain, who had been excited, was stuffing his face.
"What if something happened to Nami-san while you're standing around worrying about that!?" The Cook shouted at him in response with that question. "Forget the food! We'll be back soon anyway." He was already at the door, waiting to go.
"H-Hold on. This too..." Yet still, Luffy was continually eating at a fast pace.
"Conis-chan, we could be here all day waiting for him. Just tell us how to get to Upper Yard!" Having seeing this caused Sanji to look over to the young woman he spoke to. He was so incredibly worried that he was sweating.
"B-But..." However, she was extremely hesitant in doing so. "We don't know if she really went there or not...And..." Her reaction was very say to say the lest and it wasn't something that others didn't notice. "Incurring the wrath of God Enel is a terrible thing." Conis was clearly terrified of the God they worship.
"God Enel sounds so scary..." Chopper appeared to be sweating upon hearing this, since he was starting to get scared himself.
"God Enel... God, huh?" Zoro appeared to be sceptical about it. Not that he was the only one. On the other hand, Lián had noticed her brother's expression as he was looking down in the glass in his hand.
"What do you feel?" She suddenly asked him for some reason.
"Something bad is about to happen." He ended up answering her, glancing towards the wind with a serious expression across his face. But his words were filled with mystery and confusion as they didn't make sense.

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