Sky Island 1

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The Knock-Up Stream drives the Going Merry through the Emperonimbus Clouds. It was when they entered the cloud that the others began holding their breaths are finding it to behave just like water. However, there was a limit to how long they could hold their breaths and it was reaching it. Lucky for them though, the ship breaks the upper surface and as it did the wings break off. Everyone was either laying or sitting on deck wet, surrounded by water and trying to catch their breath. "Damn... What the hell happened? Everyone still here?" Zoro was asking through his breaths. Though no one answered as they were still trying to breath.
"Oi, everyone take a look!" Luffy on the other hand seemed fine as he was trying to get everyone's attention. "Look around the ship!"
"What is this place?" This could only be asked as
"It's white everywhere!" Lián seemed to have recovered as she was standing at the bow looking out to a sea of whiteness.
"We're on top of the clouds?" Everyone was beginning to recover one by one and moved to join Luffy and Lián. "How are we floating on them?" Nami was asking question after question.
"Sure we can float on them. They're clouds!" Luffy was making it sound like it were normal.
"No, we can't!" Zoro, Sanji and Chopper were swiping their hands/hoof in front of them shouting.
"Just cause you say that doesn't mean it makes sense." Jián told this to the young captain.
"Hey guys, I don't think Usus-chan is breathing!" Having this being shouted by Lián
"WHAT!?" caused the others to shot around in a panic. "Do something. Try CPR!" Chopper began doing compression.
"Yosh! I'll give Nami-can CPR-!" As Sanji didn't seem to care all that much, trying to come up with a reason to kiss the navigator.
"Yutz." Had been the only thing that came to mind from Zoro.
"Usopp, hang in there!" It wasn't long before the eyes of the afro boy came to open.
"Usopp!" Needless to say that both Luffy and Chopper were relieved to see this.
"The clouds..." It took a second for him to progress what he was seeing. "WHAT!?CLOUDS! Too many clouds! What's going on!?" Before freaking out.
"This is like the sea of the sky." It appeared that Nami came to this conclusion, as it was the only thing that made sense. At least in this situation.
"Sea of the sky?" Usopp was still in slight shock while leaning and looking over the railing below.
"Hey, hey." Lián noticed the needle of the log pose around Nami's wrist. "Why is the needle still pointing up?" She was asking with her body tilted looking.
"She's right. Look." This had the orange hair girl showing it to Robin, sitting on the bow outer railing.
"We seem to be in the middle layer of the Cumuloregalis cloud." This had been concluded by the woman.
"So we have to go higher? How?" Chopper turned to her as he was sitting right beside her.
"That I don't know." However, she didn't have the answer to that.
"Who're you calling a yutz?" Meanwhile, Sanji was pissed off at Zoro for the name he called him.
"I forgot." Had been his response
"You're both yutzs." Both there heads turned to see Jián standing off the side of them, his arms crossed.
"What did you say?!" They seemed pissed off at him now as well as each other.
"A sea..." but then the sudden laughter of Usopp had everyone looking in the direction it was coming from. It was there they found the young man standing on the outer railing, the top of his overall's pulled off as he was posing to show off his muscles. Not that he had any. "For his first course, Captain Usopp is going for a swim!" He was announcing to them.
"Let's see it!" Luffy was cheering him on, along side Chopper.
"Oi, oi, oi! Don't do anything stupid! We still don't know the nature of this sea." They had been told by Sanji, as he was right about that.
"A sea is a sea~!" However, the long nose didn't listen as he leaped off the ship and dove right in.
"He's so brave!" And needless to say that both Luffy and Chopper were delighted and impressed.
"Usopp's lucky... I wish I could swim too..." the captain was slugging over the railings, looking at the cloud sea.
"It's probably really fun..." and Chopper was right beside him. The pair had eat Devil Fruits, which gave them supernatural abilities but in exchange they can no longer touch water without losing all strength in their bodies. The crew were standing around waiting for the snipper. However, a little while pass and Usopp hadn't come up for air.
"Oi. He's... not coming up." Zoro been the first one to state this to them all and it had everyone moving towards the port side, which had been where Usopp jumped off from. That's when Lián sudden bursted into laughter, causing the others to look to her.
"What's funny?" She was asked by her brother, who remained expressionless.
"Just imagining Usus-chan falling back down below." But her answer was, which just only caused the others to her confused.
"What do you mean?" This time it had been Zoro who asked this.
"Well, we're in the sky so it shouldn't have a seafloor to it. Or else we would have smashed right into it!" She was laughing again, but soon the laugher began to slow down as her words began sinking in to not just her but the rest.
"YOU THINK...!?" Until they had realised what she said was what happened.
"That idiot! Did he fall out of the cloud!?" Seemed like the only thing that explained why Usopp had yet to resurface.
"USOPP!" Luffy, panicked, fired his arm into the White Sea.
"What's that idiot doing!?" It appeared that everyone was panicking.
"Stretch your arm as far as you can!" Even Robin appeared to be shaken as she instructed Luffy.
"But I can't see the bottom-" He was trying to tell her in ears.
"Don't worry. I'll handle it!" But she cut him off, crossing her arms over her chest. "Ojos Fleur!" (Eyes Flower (Spanish))She began to use her Devil Fruit ability with her eyes closed. Although none of them could see it, she had sprouted multiple eyes on Luffy's arm.
"This is pretty exciting." Lián was saying while looking to Jián.
"Sometimes I wonder if you're a psychopath." He responded by saying this to her.
"I see him!" But both them were back to what was happening after Robin shouted that.
"Where!?" She was asked
"Veinte Fleu!" But instead she used her abilities once again. After a few minutes, Luffy appeared to have grunted. "OK, pull him up!" This was instructed.
"You got him? Yosh!" It was then when he began retracting his arm back. However, it appeared to be difficult for some reason.
"Is he heavy?" Chopper came, seeing the struggling look across his face.
"I don't think so..." Robin had been the one to answer.
"C'Mon Luffy!" Nami and Chopper were cheering him on.
"Yes! There he is-!" It wasn soon after Usopp had been pulled right on out of the White Sea, however, he hadn't been the only to as something followed him.

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