7. Regulus black

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The Gryffindor common room was alive with laughs like always, and Remus, James, Lily, Regulus and you were sitting near your usual spot near the fireplace.

It was unusual for a Slytherin to be there, but unusual doesn't ever mean impossible.

"Y/N?" Sirius called, walking to them with a confused expression. He was holding your phone in his hands, which you remembered giving to him earlier that day so he could watch videos on how to ride a motorbike.

"Why's your- uh, screen-" he handed the phone to you, which you took cautiously, because you were sure Regulus was suddenly looking calm. Way too calm, like a Slytherin after they got away with a perfect crime.

"Did he change the lockscreen again?" you asked, your voice tired. "What is it now?"

"A shirtless picture of a random man," Sirius to the room.

The culprit couldn't keep it in. He burst out laughing, and got up from the couch meekly as you locked eyes with him.

"I'm going to kill you!" you yelled, then started chasing the younger Black brother around the room.

"Everyone else sees it too, right?" Marlene asked with a sigh, but she wasn't the only person who was getting tired of it.

"You mean how Y/N and my idiotic brother are both obliviously in love?" Sirius asked, rolling his eyes.

Regulus's laughs almost scared the marauders. Whenever they saw him, he was usually grim. Last year, he made a friend, or specifically Y/N.

You definitely made his days brighter and before they knew it, Regulus was sitting at the Gryffindor table for lunch, running around with you outside of classes, making jokes — it kind of made Sirius feel guilty in a way.

What if all his little brother needed was a friend? Couldn't he have tried to be nicer to him before? These questions plagued him, but at least it was better late than never. They still had lots of times to mend their relationship. He hoped so anyway.

When Regulus ran past him with you on his tail, Sirius raised his hand into the air, making him halt.

"Y/N," Sirius said, his tone bored. "Can you save the running for outside our dormitory? Where McGonagall wouldn't see him? My brother isn't exactly allowed here, is he?"

"She can't help it mate," James smirked. "I was chasing Lily all through fourth year too. Not literally of course."

"No," Regulus laid across the free couch, his words dry, as if he have said it a thousand times before. "Y/N and I are just friends. You don't get it. That sounds like a you problem."

"Exactly," you agreed, sitting down beside him, cozying up by throwing an arm around his chest.

James's mouth fell open. So did Sirius's.

"It's like you can't see what you're doing," Marlene muttered under her breath, but Lily came to your defense, something you were grateful about.

"It's not our place to say that," she said, giving you an understanding smile. "If they say there's nothing going on, then there's nothing going on! It's not like last year when she—"


You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for what was about to come. In retrospect, Lily almost saying it was bad enough. Interrupting it with a Christmas song when it's not even December was just more suspicious. You quickly got up from the couch, thinking of more distractions.

"Last year she what?" Regulus asked curiously.

"Last year when she secretly dated Remus," Lily finished, not knowing why you had interrupted her.

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