5. Remus lupin

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"Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?" Remus asks as he sits next to you in the Library. You look up at him and raise an eyebrow. Lily had walked away only seconds before to find a book for a paper the two of you were working on.

"Sure?" You say, hesitantly. Remus Lupin had become your best friend over the past year since Slughorn paired the two of you up at the beginning of fourth year.

"Okay, um... I like this girl and I'm not sure how to ask her out," he says. You stare at him for a second, your heart clenching. You didn't know Remus liked someone. He hadn't told you anything about it. And you were head over heels for him, so why was he asking you?

"Oh. Why can't you ask Sirius or James? They ask girls out all the time," you say and roll your eyes, hoping to come off more playful than annoyed. Remus scratches his neck and scoots his chair a little closer to you.

"That's all Sirius does. And James hasn't really had much luck, has he?" He asks, glancing at Lily's stuff. You chuckle a little and shrug.

"I guess you're right about that."

"Besides. I really like this girl. I don't want to mess it up," he says. You look at him and give him a look. He seems a little taken aback by it. "What?"

"Remus, you could literally never speak to someone before and simply walk past them in the hall way and they'd probably like you. Everyone has had a crush on you, Remus. You have nothing to worry about," you say, knowing it's true. Remus had made all of your friends like him at some point. You had yet to find someone that said the man wasn't at least attractive. He knew it too. Sirius complained about how easily he got people to like him all the time.

Remus blinks at you, a slight blush on his cheeks. "Have you liked me?" As soon as he says the words you realize your mistake. A blush heats your cheeks quickly and you look back down at your homework.

"Oh, um... I..." Remus raises an eyebrow at you and shifts forward to get you to look at him. He had that look on his face that made you weak in the knees. You were glad you were already sitting down. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his hands ever-so-slightly brushed against your leg. For once, he was actually looking up at you.

"Y/N?" He asks. You blink at him, coming out of your trace. You clear your throat and can feel your blush deepening.

"Uh, it was a long time ago," you mumbled. Yeah, a long time ago that it started. You'd liked him since before he knew you existed.

"Oh," he says. You look at him, thinking you heard disappointment. He just shrugs and leans back though so you convince yourself it was your imagination. You look away from him again as he starts speaking. "Uh, well the girl I like is my friend. So if I really can't mess things up with her. I can handle her not liking me back, I think, but I don't want her to cut me out." You look at him again and let out a breath.

"What do you want me to tell you, Remus? I already told you. The girl would have to be blind and stupid to not like you," you say. Then you raise an eyebrow at him. "Is she blind and stupid?"

He smirks a little and shakes his head. "No, she's not. She's actually got these gorgeous eyes that I'm kind of obsessed with," he says. You try not to scowl at that. You really didn't want to hear the boy you like go off on a tangent about the girl he likes.

"Really?" You ask with more of an edge than you would've liked. You look back down at your homework and pick up your quill.

"Yeah, and she's really smart too. She's probably one of the top girls in our year," he says. You knit your brows together and glance at him. You knew everyone in your year. Who was he talking about? "She's so funny too. She's witty as hell, she doesn't even have to think about it."

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