1. Remus lupin

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The Hogwarts library was the place where you found the most solace. Even on the few days that the Scottish countryside provided undisturbed sunshine, like today, you preferred to curl up with a book on one of the grand wooden tables. You enjoyed your time in the library; reading fiction or researching different topics that you were curious about. While your friends encouraged you to enjoy the warm day with them, you easily waved them off in favour of the dimly lit library.

Remus Lupin could be found in the library as often as you, except it wasn't the books that kept him coming back. The sight of you sitting in a corner reading by yourself was enough to draw his attention every few minutes. He couldn't even help himself, his eyes had no choice in the way they continually found your figure, but he was in no place to complain.

Remus sat with his three best friends at the other end of the library, and they were less than happy to be spending the first sunny day of spring in the library rather than bothering the giant squid in the black lake. Now that the weather was no longer freezing, Sirius and James were desperate to cause some mischief, and Peter was happy to comply.

"What is it that you find so fascinating about a hall full of books?" Sirius inquired, lifting a book up from the table, grimacing at the idea of spending his free time reading, and carelessly dropping it back onto the table.

Remus flinched as the sound resonated throughout the library, capturing your attention as you gave the four friends an inquisitive look. For a moment, Remus held his breath, unable to tear his eyes away from you as you gave him a speck of casual attention. Realising it was just James Potter and his friends messing around, you happily returned to your reading without a second thought.

"It's not about the books, Padfoot," Remus snapped quietly, glancing away with reddened cheeks, the heat of your gaze on him still warming his body. "And I didn't force you to be here," he reminded.

"Well, no," Sirius sighed. "But it's terribly tragic for you to spend the first nice day Hogwarts has seen in-"

"A decade," James chimed in, exaggerating to help Sirius make a point.

"A decade," Sirius agreed with a nod. "Inside a hall full of books instead of playing outside with us! As your friend, it's our duty to convince you to abandon this wretched place and do something more fun."

"Well said, Padfoot," James agreed, tall frame spread languidly across three chairs in a makeshift bed. "Dare I say, revolutionary. So, black lake, Moony?"

"I'm perfectly content here, thank you very much," Remus refused, thoroughly entertained by James and Sirius's usual dramatics.

"Who could be content in such an oppressive place," Sirius complained, as if he himself didn't have good grades and didn't spend time studying in this very library. "Other than Lily," he added, recognising the smitten glint in James's eyes that he got every time he brought her up.

"She's so responsible, my lovely Lily," James sighed, pleased with himself. "I'm going to marry that girl, just you wait and see. It's the only reason I come to the library with her."

"You come to the library to chat up Lily? No wonder you aren't dating yet," Sirius teased. As James and Sirius went back and forth poking fun at each other, Peter pondered Remus's words.

"If you're not here for the books, what are you here for?" Peter wondered aloud, causing Sirius and James to glance expectantly at their friend.

Remus rolled his eyes, intending to fabricate a fantastic comeback that would distract his three friends, but even the thought of you caused his stare to drift back to where you were, now getting up to choose a different book to check out of the library.

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