3. *Remus lupin*

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Remus brings the beer bottle to his lips to take a swig as he stands at the edge of the common room, leaning against the wall. Gryffindor was throwing one of their frequent post-Quidditch match parties, but Remus was content just people watching. And by people, he meant you.

He had seen you down a drink or two, so you were in just the right mood to be dancing in the center of the room with your friends on either side of you. You looked beautiful with your robes discarded and only your white button down and skirt on, the top few buttons getting undone as the night went on. You were practically incandescent with the moonlight shining on you through the small windows, and for a moment, Remus nearly forgot why he hated the moon so much.

Remus loved observing you at parties, where there were enough people that he wouldn't be caught watching you. You were James' little sister, and he had made it extremely clear that none of the marauders were to even think about looking at you ('especially you, Padfoot').

He didn't even know how he had caught your attention. You were easily the most beautiful girl in your year and you were one of the smartest on top of that. He would have expected you to go after someone like Sirius, who was known for his looks and his charm, but you had approached him. Remus still couldn't believe you had fallen for him, but now that he had you, he had no plans of ever letting you go.

Your suggestive dancing jolts him from his thoughts and he takes another swig of his beer in an effort to hide his smirk. If he had it his way, he would walk into the center of the common room and kiss you in front of everybody, but he couldn't do that to James.

You finally start to feel the shots you and your friends had taken earlier as you dance with them in the Gryffindor common room. The sheer number of bodies in the room brought the temperature up and you undo another button on your blouse as sweat collects on your chest.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Remus sipping his beer and you smile to yourself as you imagine what could be going through his mind right now. He wasn't much for parties, but his friends loved them, and he liked spending time with his friends.

"Are you ever gonna tell your brother about him?" Marlene whispers from next to you, giving you a pointed look.

Pursing your lips, you shrug. "I've been ready to tell James for a bit now, but Remus is his best friend and I know he would go bloody mad if he found out."

You're dancing again when Marlene widens her eyes in warning and makes a turn around motion with her head. Confused, you spin around to see Sirius approaching. He gives you a sultry smirk, which makes you internally roll your eyes, and stops in front of you.

"Hey, Potter," he grins, his hands stuck lazily in his pockets, "wanna dance?"

Sirius had been casually flirting with you for months, but you had always been able to derail him in one way or another.

You bite your lip, taking a step away from him, "I was actually just about to get a drink, but I know Marlene would love to dance with you."

Shooting her a half-serious apologetic look, you slip away and walk over to Remus.

He looks surprised to see you approach, but you just lean in and whisper, "This party is getting a bit stuffy, don't you think?"

Then, before he can respond, you grab his hand and lead him into the stairwell that connect to the boys' dormitories.

"What's going o-" he begins before you pull him forward by the collar and press your lips to his.

He reciprocates immediately, his hands gripping your waist and leaning you against the wall of the stairway.

Marauders era one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang