Can An Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch For a Few Days

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---- In your Tree House ----


I woke up from my slumber and yawned

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to prepare myself some breakfast

I took two slice of bread and put it inside the toaster

I fried some eggs and made coffee

---- After Breakfast and a Bath ----

Hmm... I'm kind of bored right now. Maybe I can go see Sonic.

---- At Sonic's Shack ----

I wanted to knock but it didn't have a door. So, I went in to check if he was home

"Sonic! Sonic!" I yelled his name but no reply

Hmm... maybe he's not home. I wonder where he could be. Maybe he's with Tails

---- At Tails' House ----

(Sonic POV)

"Ahem. Still waiting on that Salmon Eggs Benedict" Eggman said

"Coming!" Tails brings the Salmon Eggs Benedict

"Hmm... What's this? I asked for egg whites. These are yellows. See the yellow? I'm trying to watch my cholesterol and this salmon is farm-raised! What is this, prison?" Eggman complained

"It's all some evil plot, man! First, he lures us in with some terrible roommate ploy but then wham! Out comes this fifty-foot Obliterator bot that obliterates us all *inhale* we gotta get outta here" Sticks said

"Guys, we have to help him. If we don't we'll be no better than he is" Amy said

"Yeah, you'll be no better than I am" Eggman said

"Think about how this is for him. Do you feel scared without a home? Do you feel alone? Are you eating your feelings?" Amy asked getting too close to him

"Somebody, please get her away from me" Eggman said uncomfortable with Amy's questions

"Guys, if Eggman needs to stay, he can stay. Who knows? He may not be so bad after all "Tails said which made Eggman smile with joy


I went to answer the door

"Hi, Sonic. I just thought I could come check on you. What are you doing?" She asked

"Not much. Please come in" I gestured her into Tails' House

I closed the door

"Do you mind introducing me to your friends, Sonic?" She asked looking at Knuckles, Amy and Sticks

"Oh, right. (Y/N), this is knuckles" I pointed to the echidna

"That's Amy" I pointed to the pink hedgehog

"Last but not least this is Sticks" I point a finger to the badger

"And this (Y/N). She's from another world" I said pointing at (Y/N) who waved at them

"What?!" Knuckles, Amy and Sticks said

"Pretty much" (Y/N) shrugs

"Can we not talk about it right now?" (Y/N) asked them

They nod

"Thanks!" (Y/N) smiled

"Umm... Sonic, what's Eggman doing here? Isn't he your arch-nemesis?" She asked with a confused look

Love At First Sight (Boom Sonic x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora