The Bet {Part 1}

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A/N – I hope you guys like this chapter because I spent 4 hours, 32 minutes and 52 seconds thinking about this. I seriously used a timer. I was depressed, emotional, stressed and most importantly focused for a long time last time I was focused was when I was playing a game and I almost lost so I had to put on my A-game. And I straight up fucking won. In case you're wondering that game was chess. Sorry, I just like talking and I seriously have a lot to say to you guys. It's just in my nature. Anyway, back to the story

(M/N's POV)

"Honey?" I said to (D/N). He answered. "I'm pregnant", I said and he looked surprised and happy. "Yes! My beautiful wife is pregnant once again! (S/N), Come downstairs I have great news!!"

I saw (S/N) coming downstairs. "What is it, dad?" said (S/N). (D/N) said, "GoodnewshoneywerehavingababyIcan'twait!" (S/N) said, "What?"

"(D/N), Calm down I know you're happy and I'm also happy too but don't you think you're overreacting maybe just a little bit" I said. "What? What are you talking about? I'm not overreacting!" (D/N) said. "Ok but you're acting as if we've never had a child and I've been infertile for 10 years. Look, I know you're happy but can you not act like you've just been released from prison and your family left you because you're a bad father and you committed a crime." I said obviously out of breath.

(S/N's POV)

Wow, for someone who's pregnant she sure has a lot of energy. I heard Dad say, "Of course. I can act normal around the baby." Mom said, "Really? Remember the time (S/N) was born and you bought her clothes that were for boys when I told you we should have waited for the doctors to tell us whether (S/N) is a boy or girl but you still insisted on buying more toys like monster trucks." Dad said, "I remember and I won't let that happen again"

"Mom's having a baby?" I asked. "Yeah, she is", Dad answered. "Is it gonna be a boy or a girl?" I asked. "We don't know yet." Mom said. "I think it's gonna be a boy". "In your dreams, (D/N). It's obviously gonna be a girl", Mom said.

Dad said, "How do you know?" Mom said, "I know because I feel the baby's kicks and I can easily if the baby's a boy or girl and I say it's a girl.

I said, "I kinda agree with Mom. If it's a girl I have a little sister to play with but if it's a boy I might play with him and somehow become a tomboy. Do you really want me to become something I'm not?" I said using my puppy eyes on him trying to convince him that the baby's gonna be a girl and not a boy. "That's fine but it's still gonna be a boy."

"OK, how about a little bet." Mom said while smirking evilly. "Why not? 'Cause I know you're gonna lose" Dad said proudly. "If it's a boy (S/N) and I will clean the entire house for 2 weeks but if it's a girl you have to clean the house for 2 weeks" Mom said to Dad. And, Dad agreed and said, "Get ready to clean this house because I'm gonna make the floor extra dirty". Dad left and Mom and I were alone together. (A/N- With the baby)

"Mom, why did you set a bet with dad?" I asked Mom. "Sweetie, your father just needs to be taught a lesson and I have one reason and it is to have fun and I hope that the baby's a girl and not a boy". She answered calmly. "Fine but if we lose I get 1 week and you get the other week" I said to Mom. "Oh my dear Mummy never loses to a bet" She said in a creepy voice which just freaked me out.

A/N- I haven't gotten any ideas for part 2 yet. I'll keep writing. I swear something's got to come out of my head

- Yasmine  

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