The Bet {Part 3}

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A/N - OK, guys. School starts tomorrow and I won't be able to update on time. I'll really try to update it's gonna take a week or 4 days. I'm not sure. I'll just make this chapter long. I can't say anymore because I don't want to spoil the next chapter for you and because I have no idea what to write yet. Well, enjoy the chapter. I'm sure you already know who's going to win. Tell me the comments if you knew you were right or not.

(S/N's POV) 

"Wake up, (S/N)". I heard someone say. I woke up to see Dad smiling. "Good morning,  Dad". I said awoke from my slumber. "Morning, Hon".(A/N - Hon Short for Honey) 

"Breakfast is ready we're have french toast and bacon with eggs" said Dad. "That's sounds delicious, Dad. I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes". I said. "Ok. Oh I almost forgot after breakfast we're going to the hospital to check the baby's gender. I just know it gonna be a boy. A boy in the family means passing on the (L/N) name". said Dad with hope. I just rolled my eyes at him for hoping it's a boy and not a girl. He left my room to check on my Mum.

I got up from bed and checked the time to see that it was 6:32a.m. on my clock. So, I went into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took a shower and got dressed in a blue tank top and wore a pink skirt and red leggings. I quickly wore pinkish blue sneakers and a red handband.  (A/N - Sorry. I didn't let you guys choose (S/N)'s outfit)  

I went downstairs and greeted Mum and finished my breakfast. I put my plate in the sink.  "(S/N)!! GET IN THE CAR BEFORE WE LEAVE!!" I heard Mum say. "Ok, I'm coming". I said.  I quickly got in the car to see Mum eating ice cream.

(M/N's POV) 

Who knew having another baby would be exhausting. Now, I have to 5 times a day for the baby. I finished eating my ice cream and told (D/N) to start the car. He nodded and he started the car.

[5 minutes later]

(Still (M/N)'s POV) 

How can they be this much traffic on a Sunday. We better get to the hospital soon.

[At the Hospital] 

Finally. Hospital at last. I grabbed (D/N)'s hand and told (S/N) to get out of the car. We all got out of the car and went into the hospital. (D/N) already booked me a check up for the baby.

(Nurse POV) 

I saw Mr and Mrs (L/N) with their daughter. I immediately came over to them and told them that the doctor is ready to see them. 

(M/N's POV) 

I got up and went into a room and sat down in one of the hospital beds and the doctor came in and greeted. "Welcome... Mrs (L/N)". He said looking at his clipboard. "Thank you, Doctor." I said. "It says here on my clipboard that you're here to check the baby's gender". He said not taking his eyes off the clipboard. "Yes, I am." I said. "Ok, let's get on with it". He said. " Ok" I said 

[5 mins Later]

"The results are out. It's a girl. Congratulations! Mrs. (L/N)." The doctor said abs I was overpowered with joy that it was a girl and not a boy. Yes!!! yes yes yes yes! 

I came out of the room and showed (S/N) and (D/N) the result and (S/N) was super happy but (D/N) was shocked and disappointed. "In your face, (D/N). I told you it was a girl and you wouldn't listen. Now, who's cleaning the house for 2 weeks?" I asked him with happiness. "YOU!" Me and (S/N) said at the same time. We later got home and I told (D/N) he could start his part of the bet tommorow and he didn't very happy about it. He went upstairs with a disappointed face. I just simply laughed. I touched my baby bump and whispered "Nice work, girl. I love you". I said to the baby.

A/N - I know that was short but that's how the bet ends. The next chapter is when the reader is born. School starts tomorrow. I hope you guys can be patience. I'm still working on my updates. Comment if you like this story or not. Bye, guys.

♡ - Yasmine

 ~730 Words~

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