Part 10. Remind me Not to get on her bad side

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Tony looks at Nick Fury, "Alright Fury what's the small mission that you need only three of us for."

"Small is correct." He turns on the screen showing, "Very small we never even saw her coming. Right now we are calling her the devil, walked right into SHields HQ right into my office stole my files and left 10 of my security guards tortured in a warehouse. As far as we can tell there is no way She did it alone. "The devil" is hydra from what we can tell."

Tony watches you on the screen, walking through their building and torturing Shield agents in a different building. "Into your office. WHere you by any chance in it?"

Fury smirks pulling back his collar revealing a red welt from an injection, "I was. Let me tell you, there is no way in hell she did all of alone, we have never seen her before."

Rhodey stands walking closer to the screen, "BUt who the hell is she?"
"We don't know, no name, face code name, nothing in the files of Hydra that we have mention her, and she is good."
"Like winter soldier good or Black Widow good?" Clint questions.

"Impossible to know these two 20 seconds clips are all we have. And i need you to capture you her and see if you can do whatever you did for Barnes and The Twins, Whatever they are."

Rhodey~"And how do you propose we catch her if she really is that good."
Fury lays a small case on the table, "These are High powered tranquilizers you have 3 that's all we have, Good luck."

Fury leaves, "Alright then Rhodey, Me and you will distract her, Clint you hit her with one of these. Boom easy mission."

Clint- "Sounds simple enough. Suit up"
*At the ware house*

"Sit." Pierce growls ponting to a seat, you sit obediently staring up at him.
"You were supposed to get in silently and get out without being seen."
"Well you should have told me there was going to be 75 agents milling around. I did my best I got your information alone didn't I."

He turns looking at you,"Did I say you could talk. No I'm tired of your voice and face. Put a distorter on her and a lock mask Teach her to back talk me."
He smirks as the chair turns on locking you in. "You disobey me Daughter, you forget what I can do to you."

You look at the doctor holding a circle device with a long needle, glaring as an agent holds your head to the side, and the doctor pushes it into your neck.
Past the muscle and into your larynx changing your voice and controlling it.

Another Agent walks over with a thick electronic mask locking it around your face and neck, so you can't pull It off.
"See Daughter You may think your in control but your not."

Peirce pulls out a tiny remote pressing a button, the mask beeps and it shocks you so hard, you push yourself half up in the chair throwing your head back till it stops.

You relax Turing clod furious eyes at him, "You'll pay for this." The voice is honey sweet and dripping with menace, higher pitched than your own.

"Take her to a cell."  Pierce demands laughing as agents grab your arms pulling you along down the Hall when a alarm sounds.
Agents Run shutting down the base turing off the lights and leaving. An agent hands you a belt with equipment, "Go."

You snap the belt and hooks turning and walking down the hall, grabbing grenade launcher from another Agent and fire it at the man down the hall before disappearing down into the shadows.

"SHit Did anyone see where that came from?" Tony says dusting himself off from your attack.
"Just a shadow. Clint you got eyes on that kid yet"
Clint looks around the darkness, " No see if you can't draw her out in the
Open it's too dark in here."

"Tony try to get the light-" You grab War machine from the shadow around the neck. Images of his specs coming to mind as you pull open his side weapon and steal it, fading back into the shadows.

Rhodey barley has time to react before your gone, " Uh Guys we have a problem. I found the girl."
"How's that a problem?" Clint says walking to Rhodey
"She just stole my right shoulder weapons. And disappeared."

Tony cocks his head to the side, "She what- Jarvis Give me thermal."
"Yes sir." He turns on the thermal scanner, as you pop the baby missile open and throw it at him.

"Found her."  He catches the grenade crushing it "Time to dance sweetheart. Jarvis track her Everywhere."

"Yes sir "

You turn your head to the side smiling under the mask before running off silently down the hall. Tony starts his thrusters trying to keep up in the narrow hall way.

"Rhodey you see what I'm seeing "
"Yeah got her, keep heading her this way."
You look at a tiny screen and turn down a hallway running directly to Rhodey and slide under him as He tried to grab you.

You salute him as Tony rounds the corner nearly hitting Rhodey and jump up a narrow tunnel climbing through the vents. Clint looks up as he rounds a corner, "Oh shit."

You grab a rolling bomb (the ones from the street scene in the Winter Soldier) and roll it towards him popping out of the vent and onto Tony shoulders as it explodes.
Tony worriedly looks for Clint not noticing you,"Clint Are you Ok?".
Clint stands coughing going wide eyed seeing "Umm Tony..."


You knock on his helmet, his mask opens as he turns, you punch him just as it close, half catching the mask half his cheek. He starts trying to get you off grabbing at your legs.

You start running again trying to look for a way out.

"I got eyes on her South west hall, She's out of weapons." Rhodey says arming his weapons at you, "Look kid we just want to help you ."

You grab a steel rod off the floor and swing it at him as they corner you.
Tony grabs your arms "Just calm down. We are trying to help you."

Grabbing his hand you spin him into Rhodey, they recover quickly and start fighting you in hand to hand. A fist connects with your rib making a loud crack, they both freeze as you do.

"Your going to pay for that." You growl picking up the steel rod breaking it in half completely letting go and destroying their suits in the process.

"Clint We need you with that sedative NOW." Tony yells blocking a swing aimed at his chest.

"Got it."
Clint aims and fires in the same breath hitting you in the arm. They stop, "Oh thank God."

You pull the dart out barley feeling any effect, and start again.

Rhodey grabs you in a choke hold bringing a gun to your head, you still, " Clint hit her with the last two NOW."
The darts hit the bare skin of your neck and shoulder. And you go limp in his arms After a minute.

Tony lowers you to the ground from Rhodes arms, Clint walks over looking at you."Remind me never to get on her bad side.

" Yeah if we can get her clean of this crap. Jarvis Give me a quick scan.
"Yes sir.... She appears to be quite young, Minor injuries. Otherwise stable for transport."

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