Part 8 "The smell of fresh bread"

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"Are we there yet Peitro?"
Wanda says from the backseat of a stolen car.
"Are you still feeling sick?"
"Yeah my head realy hurts everything hurts."
"According to the GPS its another 3 hours do you want to stop?"
"Its up to you. "
Wanda lays down in the back seat, coughing.
"I knew i shouldn't have ran through that waterfall, and got you wet in the cold."
"It..its fine brother can you turn the heat up please."
"Yeah got it.... Do you think-"
"I dont know i hope shes ok."
"Me too."
Pietro pulls over running into a market stealing a blanket covering Wanda up it.
"Try to rest."
She nods.
He starts driving again getting to the avengers compound in a 2 hours.
"We're here Wandas... sis?"
He turns in his seat looking at Wanda whos flushed with fever, shaking.
He gets out picking her up carrying her to the door knocking.
"Hello? Anyone there. I could Realy use some help please."
Steve glances around "Someone expecting company?"
Nat, Bruce, Tony, Clint shake their heads.
Steve gets up answering the door.
"My sister shes sick."
"Umm hospital is 10 minutes down the road you passed it."
He starts to close the door.
"Please they cant help her, we are what is you Americans call it enhanced,meta human, what ever we have gifts please. We were told you helped people like us."
He lifts wanda from Pietros arms walking through the house.
"Bruce see if you cant help her, shes buring up with fever."
He takes Wanda to the lab pushing Peitro out.
"Where are you from kid?" Steve says handing him a glass of water.
"Sokovia we were.... we were ran out of the city. "
"What happened to your sister." Natasha says.
"I was running and hit a water fall, it was very cold."
Bruce walks in.
"She'll be fine, just needs some rest."

Pietro looks around the room, looking for a man with a metal arm.
"So what are your gifts?"
Steve says crossing his arms.
"Imm well i can run pretty fast, and stuff like that. And Wanda can manipulate things."
"Things like what?"
Natasha Questions.
"Objects, energy, human minds. We havent realy explored them much."
"How did you get to America?"
"It wasnt easy."
He shivers from exaustion, hungry and plain relief. His thoughts constantly wondering back to you.
Natasha presses her arm to his forehead, feeling his pulse, staring quizzically wondering if she is misreading.
"Your buring up to."
"Im fine. Just take care of my sister."
Bruce gets up checking the same as Natasha did.
"Yeah your heartrate is way to high."
Peitro looks down at his hands vibrating with his speed, quickly trying to hide them.
But not before Natasha grabs his arm holding it steady.
"Hes shaking."
"Im not shaking"
"Yeah you are."
"I just need to go for a run."
"A run in your condition. Not happening you need food, rest and fluids. Your dehydrated, malnourished and exausted." Bruce says pulling him into a chair grabbing a glass of water.
"Drink that."
Peitro reaches for the glass stopping knowing it will break if his hand touches it, weighing it against his own thirst, the latter winning, he trys to Steady his hands and grab the glass, it explodes instantly.
He steps back apologizeing profusely.
"Im sorry. I didnt mean to. "
He starts to prepare for the worse, trying to clean it up, onky making the shaking worse.
Steve puts a hand on his arm.
"Its just a cup dont worry about it."
Natasha cleans it up quickly handing him a bottle of water.
"Thankyou. I just need to grab something from the car."
He takes the bottle walking outside sliding down the far side of the car out of control.
"What would she do."
"I cant control it. The shaking i cant i cant cant. "
"Hey hey hey you can do anything. Ok.
You can do anything. Sit down come on sit. Now whenever your felling upset and out of control, i want you to sit down. Take a deep breath, no slower, breathe in to the count of 20. Hold it. Now think of a happy memory.
Anything, a smell, a place a voice."
"The smell of fresh bread"
"Let that smeel envelope everything, your mind your body, everything. Breathe out slowly to the count of 20. Keep doing that"
"Haha it worked Princessa."
"Good try it again and use your ability."

Peitro sits crossing his legs putting his hands shakily on his knees breathing in, rembering the sound of your voice, honey sweet guiding them through the dark, giggling telling them fond memories of the soldier, how you protected them. Breathing out slowly looking at his hands no longer shaking. Smiling just as Clint peaks around the side of the car.

"Hey kiddo you ok. The grounds pretty cold."
He looks up suddenly exausted, standing.
"I just needed a minute . My gift can get overwhelming, in overwhelming situations."
"But your ok now, your safe here. Come on inside lets get a warm bowl of soup. Some fresh clothes and a blanket. How does that sound?"
"Can i have the food first?"
Clint chuckles "Yeah Yeah you have the food first."

They go back inside, Pepper puts a big bowl of steaming soup in front of Peitro, his mouth waters not actually having anything hot to eat in over a year.
He eats it slowly trying not to lose it, unused to such rich food only eating a little.
"Theres plenty eat your fill." Pepper says.
Bruce looks at Peitro "how long since you ate a good hot meal."
"Long time ago."
"How long since you ate last."
"Um 3 maybe 4 days. I dont know we've been running for a while."
Bruce hands him a pack of salty crackers.
"Try those they aren't as rich. What do you usually eat?"
"Hows my sister?"
"Shes resting where you should be."
"Can I see her?"
"Sure. Just let her rest."
Peitro walks in laying on the bed beside wanda, falling alseep.

Wanda wakes up a few hours later looking up a Pietro stretched on the bed snoring lightly, a cracker in his hand, halfway to his mouth.
Sitting up careful not wake him, sliding out of the bed walking to the kitchen with the crackers.
"You look better."
Natasha says smiling
Wanda jerks not expecting to see anyone.
Her fingers glowing red, spirals of red twirling up her arms.
"Wo wo wo there girly no need to get hasty."
Wanda relaxes, grabbing Pietros bowl of soup waving a hand over it to make it hot, eating it.
"Well thats a neat trick." Natasha says, as she is the only one still up.
"Wasnt easy to learn."
"I bet."
Wanda cradles the soup bowl eating.
"This is good."
"Peppers a good cook. So whos older you or Pietro."
"We are twins. But if you ask him hes 12 minutes older."
"I bet he is. I took the liberty of going to the store and getting you some clothes and other things. "

"Wanda. I know you dont know me at all. But i know someone whos been held captive when i see one. I know i was to."
"I dont.."
"I know you dont want to talk about it. But i can help you with whatever you need. Woman to woman. Were you in prison?"
"No, have you ever heard of hydra."
"Yes.... You were there werent you?"
"For how long?"
" 6 months. You cant tell anyone."
"I wont. Come on i help you take that thing out of your hair."
Wanda reaches up feeling the braid lock.
"What even is that thing?"
"It keeps your hair back. "
She rembers Peirto also has one and goes to takes his out tossing it.
Letting Natasha struggle and laugh trying to take it out.
"How in the world dis you manage this."
"It wasnt easy." She lies.
"You know there is only 3 women including you in this entire compound."

 Winters Bite; Bucky Barnes x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora