Part 6 You leave tonight

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Strucker walks in the next morning helping you sit up handing you a very large glass of liquid. Which you take glaring at it.
"What is this."

"I got you all 3 showers and clean clothes. Your going to need that."
You sip the glass smiling, tequila the Soldiers favorite.
"How did you know?"
He shrugs.
"Drink it. It has something to take the edge off."
"Oh thats a treat. Dont think i have had those before."
"No." You tip the glass back, chugging the alcohol.
Strucker looks at Wanda and Peitro.
"You two can help her to the showers."
You smile sarcastically all your emotions gone from the medicine.
"Your a sweet heart you know that."
He rolls his eyes as the guards unlock the doors more guards walking down.

"Wolfgang. Why Now."
His jaw sets firmly.
"I think you know. "

"Wonderful." A mission.You can barely walk and hes sending you out on a mission.
Standing you walk to the edge of the cell holding onto the door frame. Wanda reaches for your arm.
You speak ice cold venom lacing your words.
"Do not touch me."
Strucker laughs.
"Dont feel bad Maximoff She hates everyone."
Stiffening you walk down the hall to the shower hands behind your neck, a gun muzzle pokes your back, you turn to the guard, yanking the gun from him, smashing his arm with it, tossing it to the ground resuming the walk.

You start Staggering Pietro glares at you befors throwing you arm over his shoulder. "Do not complain."

Reaching the showers at the end of the hall, 3 sets of clothes are laid in chairs, the guards lock the door behind you 3.
Its an open Shower room with 3 stalls separated by a 4 foot concrete wall.
On the walls soap, shampoo, toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Not waisting any time you turn the shower heat up as far as it goes, stepping back stripping infront of Wanda and Peitro who are too confused to do much.

"Strip and get in the shower you two."

Peitro squeezes his eyes shut turning his back.
"Your naked."
"No shit sherlock. Now get in the shower these usually dont last very long. I could care less what you look like naked."

You step back under the water grabbing a bottle of shampoo scrubbing away all the dirt and dried blood.
Turing to wanda and Peitro who are still standing there.
"Fucking hell."
You get out Turing on their showers, grabbing wandas dress pulling it
Off tossing her bra and underwear aside, shoving her under the steaming shower.

"Do i have to undress you too or are you going to get in the shower?"
"Umm." He tries not to look
At you and wont even turn towards Wanda.
"Listen either you strip or im going to strip you. Because you are waisting my time."
"Ok." He strips getting in the shower.
You get back in yours grabbing a toothbrush brushing your teeth cleaning up. Turing to where Stryker burned you taking a cloth gently cleaning off all the peeling skin.
Hearing a timer beep.
"Finish your showers quickly."
"Why?" Wanda asks.
"Just do it, rinse off all the soap."
They do.
"Out from under the water now."
You step out just as the water turns to ice.
"How did you know it would do that?"
"I just did."
Quickly you dry off pulling on the suit
Stryker left not zipping it yet, looking at Wanda and Peitro who are just standing in towels shivering.
Sighing you grab their clothes
Tossing Pietro his, Looking at the pants and shirt for wanda tossing them to her.
They start dressing with a sigh you grab Wandas towel off the floor and dry her hair as quickly as you can.
"Next time you two get a shower im not going to baby you like this.
This is almost winter. The cells get cold you shower you get dry as quickly as you can. As soon as the hot water stops it will get very cold in here. Take hot showers even if you dont like them, it gets rid of the chill."

 Winters Bite; Bucky Barnes x readerWhere stories live. Discover now