Chapter 4

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Yaris breaths out sharply through her nose as she lowers her head. Her short hair falling forward and blocking everyone's view of her eyes as she scans the area sneakily.
She bites her lip, watching the mostly empty classroom as the remaining students all sat in their own places chatting between themselves, a breath of relief leaving her lips as she leans her head fully down against the table, resting it on her arms.

Euntae . . . . . 

So . . . . Cute

FUCK ,WAIT, STOP, NO, we are here for survival, and only survival!!!

But, I must say, my man majorly warded of the majority of new bullying prospects for me, bless his absolutely gorgeous soul.

Though she hasn't been full on bullied yet, she could clearly pick up the glares Yui would shoot her occasionally, her group of girl friends, all whispering about her when she walked by. Not just that, this very morning, Yaris was scowling when she founds pins on her seat.
Alongside a shit load of razor blades in her bag, luckily she got away with a nick on her finger.

Jokes on them I LIKE the pain

Beside her, Jay stares out the window blankly as he always does, the sunlight hitting his beautiful features, filtering through his golden hair and giving him a glow she had last seen in movies. Of course, as any other normal human being would do, she mentally snapshots this image, before closing her eyes in an attempt to fall back asleep.

To one side of the room, Daniel freezes, lifting the pen off of his note book before looking to the three of Zack's henchman who had approached him, his face adorning a stunned expression.

"What? A get together?" Words he never thought he'd hear before as he stared over at them dumbly.

The goons gulp, nervous as they sweat drop and exchange glances, Immediately starting to ramble.

"Yep! it's the start of a new semester." Doo says, poking his head out from behind the chubby guy, just as Elvis pokes his head out from the opposite side of the teen.
"You should join."

The guy in the middle nods, urging him desperately.
"We're having a get together. FRIENDS should get acquainted."

At the word 'friends', Daniel's ears perk, excitement immediately flooding out of him though it goes unshown. The once lonely kid shuffled in his seat as he daydreams, appearing as though he was deep in thought to the three teenagers staring expectantly.

A get together! A valuable time only for friends.

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