Chapter 1

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Holy Fuck am I unlucky . . . 

If there's a god up there . . . . . Just know that I hope you get a killer wedgie for the rest of your pathetic existence. 

I should have started off as an atheist, what the fuck did I do to you hmm? I've been good, yet you torture me in this life and the last.

The girl lets out a small sigh, dropping down to kneel in front of the full length mirror as she slumped her head in defeat. The dimly lit room barely making her features visible as the early morning sun filters through the poorly patched up window, the duct tape slowly peeling off the edges. The teenager lets out another quiet breath, her head straightening as her eyes flick up to study her reflection with a dry chuckle. Her fingers lift to brush against the mirror once again, leaving behind smudges of finger prints that stand out in the small rays of light.

"Damn this is a Violation . . . ."

She whispers out as she moves closer, trailing fingers along her reflection.

Two tired brown eyes looked back, eyebags which seemed as though they were carved into her facial structure. A straight high nose bridge, a small ridge being visible, but not too outlandish or noticeable. Her jawline was fine, smooth, but when she smiled to observe her face, her cheeks revealed their chubbiness while turning her face into a less sleek and more round shape. A dimple on one side, while another is about to be formed on the other, lingering tauntingly.

Her lips, they were average too, Pink, slightly chapped, though they stood out well, her cupids bow being the perfect balance of sharp and soft.

As for the rest of her, The girl had yet to notice, her eyes only catching on her tanned skin in slight confusion, but acceptance none the less.

She wasn't THAT ugly . . . . in fact, she thought she looks quite cute.

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