Chapter 17

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   On the other side, Becky was giggling at the screen lighting up with the Instagram notifications. She bit her bottom lip at the thought that Freen actually replies to her stories. She didn't have time to read them, as her father came into her room to check on her.
"Wow! Someone received flowers!" Harry said teasingly.
"Mhm... Yep... The person who gave them to me told me I should preserve them, so I did it.." Becky smiled feeling how her cheeks are becoming red.
"Yeah... Nice... Shall I ask who is this person?"Harry asked, taking a seat next to his daughter.
"Dad..l don't think is necessary. I mean... It's a huge gap between us and that person doesn't seem that interested in me, at all." Becky confessed, her smile dropping.
"Really? Then why did they give you flowers?"
"Well... This person is so sweet...There was this poor child selling flowers, and they bought them from her, giving her twice the amount of money...Perhaps, I received the flowers because they wanted to get rid of the." Becky said, avoiding using "she" in her speech, so that couldn't figure out.
"Alright... Why didn't this person throw them? Or give them to someone else?" Harry insisted.
"I don't know...*sigh* Dad, I believe I have feelings for this person. However, I am afraid she doesn't feel the same toward me. I mean, I am younger, immature, childish... And she has hots and colds. I mean, she is perfect, but when I am crossing some barriers, she becomes cold..." Becky confessed, and that is when Harry caught her: his daughter is falling for a girl.
"Well... I don't know what to tell you. Maybe try and understand her. If you truly love this girl, you will find a way out. To be honest, Rebecca, I think she either hides something, or she is a bit toxic. As a father of a daughter, I am only willing to protect you, and I don't like seeing you troubled." He placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder.
"Yeah... And another problem would be mom... She would not like her. There is no point in trying to figure out..." Becky sighed.
"Well... Your choice... But, I also think you should try, so you won't regret it. When I first met your mother, she wasn't interested in me, so I had to try hard to make Taylor Swift fall in love with me - a newcomer..."Harry said laughing while patting his daughter's head.
"Thanks, dad! I will think about what you said." Becky said smiling and watching her father leave her room.
"Bye, pumpkin! Take some rest! It's pretty late and tomorrow you have to study. Good night!" Harry said from the door frame.
"Good night, dad!" Becky replied.
   As soon as she was alone, Becky grabbed her phone and started replying to Freen, in her DM: "Hey! You look great too, Simba!😌🤍 And about the roses, none knows who gave me the flowers.🤭🤫 Good night!🥱☺️🤍 Take care! 🤗". Five minutes later, Becky had her message appreciated by Freen, and they both turned off their phones and went to sleep with a smile on their faces.
   The next morning, Freen found herself at the dining table with her mother. She placed her hand on top of her mother's, rubbing small circles with her thumb against it.
"Mom! The results came... I am a match for the bone marrow transplant." Freen broke the news softly, making Demi sigh.
"Alright... The next step is the procedure, right?" Demi asked with a worried tone.
"Yeah... Dad called me yesterday, but he didn't tell me when we should have it. I finish my work next week. With the university stuff, I could deal myself. I don't know about the work tho... I really have to record the songs at the right time." Freen said.
"Don't stress too much about that. I'll contact the music producer if it's necessary. Are you still sure that you want to do this?" Demi took Freen's hands in hers.
"Mom!! I met her... The poor kid suffers...We really need to help her." Freen said calmly.
"You met her?? You met her!! What the hell is wrong with your father!! I am very pissed off right now. How dares him? Why didn't he present you to his whole family?" Demi jumped off her chair angrily. "How can he be that careless? Idiot! Dumb!" Demi kept cursing angrily.
"Mom! He didn't want me to meet her. I understood completely that he has his own life separated from us. Even though I was curious to meet my sister, I am aware of everything. I met the girl by accident. She is a sweet girl. Please, stop being mad." Freen confessed trying to calm her mother down.
"You know what? He is still an idiot!" Demi sighed and grabbed her phone. "We really need to think of a strategy, right now... His dumb wife will see me in the hospital. And she will ask so many questions. I swear I'll punch her if she gets on my nerves. I'll punch her as I did with my dancer 25 years ago. Idiots..." Demi said gritting her teeth.
"Mom! Chill! You won't come! You will stay home." Freen simply said.
"What did you say?" Demi snapped angrily stopping from dialing a phone number.
"I said you won't come with me. You will get exposed. Plus, it's not like you can do anything from the hallway." Freen said firmly.
"Freen! No matter how tall you are, I am gonna slap you if you speak nonsense." Demi angrily raised her daughter's chin to look at her. "I won't leave you alone. Get this out of your head! You are my daughter. Mine! No matter what! I will be by your side, especially during this process! Go get ready for college. I'll talk to your father." Demi let go of Freen's chin and turned back to call Joe.
   Everyone agreed on having the donation after Freen finishes up with her work. They also established a manner that will make it Freen and Demi not to meet up with Jonas's family and be safe from the public eye. Freen never told Hailee or anyone else, especially Becky, about this, and she is not planning to.
   After finishing recording the last song, which was a group song, the music producer talked a little bit about the project, and he presented the CEO of the company. Both Freen's and Hailee's mouths dropped when the CEO entered.
"Oh... This is our CEO." The music producer said pointing to the guy who just entered the door.
"Hi, everyone! I am very happy that your company chose to work with us. Even though we are not the biggest in the industry, we are working really hard and we like to dedicate ourselves to music. If anyone wants to continue working with us, we could sign the contracts together, and try to reach the biggest tops in music. It was an honor for us to work with you." The CEO smiled at the artists.
"Freen... Do you see what I see? That's Jacob. Your middle school crush... Damn! He is so handsome." Hailee remarks, whispering into Freen's ear.
"Mhm... Yes... I guess... One of us really did follow up his dream..." Freen said.
"Oh! My name is Jacob Whiteside. Nice to meet you all. I should have presented myself." Jacob smiled.
"Hi, Jacob!! Nice to see you again." Hailee said, making Jacob look in her direction.
"Mhm... Sorry! Do we know each other?" Jacob asked with a confused, and everyone looked at them.
"Oh! If you don't know me, you surely know this one." Hailee said and pushed Freen's shoulders, and that made her step in front of everyone.
"Oh, my... Freen?" Jacob said smiling big and walked in front of Freen.
Becky stared at their actions, frowning at Jacob. Jacob was really handsome. Dark hair and dark eyes, a cute smile, and a body to kill for. She mentally prayed for them to be related. However, Freen's blushing face and his big smile made her think there is something between them.
"We were the nerds of the middle school. We always competed against each other. Wow! It's been so long!" Jacob said smiling big.
Everyone stared at them. Now, Freen wasn't just a random girl who was chosen for the main role by chance. She was the friend of the CEO of the music company they worked with.
"What a beautiful coincidence! Ok... You should sign with me!" Jacob said making everyone laugh. "Ok... I am not keeping you anymore. I am waiting for you to join us if you are willing everyone. It was nice meeting everyone. Goodbye and good luck with the movie." Jacob ended his speech.
"Yes... It was amazing to work with you. Good luck with the movie!" The music producer copied.
   Freen went to collect her staff, and she saw Jacob approaching her from the corner of her eye. "Freen! May I have your phone number? Let's meet up sometime" Jacob asked, keeping his smile on his face.
"Mhm... yes... Give me your phone to type it." Freen said, and he passed his phone.
"Thank you! I guess you might be tired. I won't keep you..."
"Freen! Let's go! Becky, Hailee, Zendaya, and Cole are waiting for us." Kirk came, interrupting their conversation, and he sent daggers to Jacob.
"Ouch! Sorry! I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Jacob's smile dropped.
"No. He is not my boyfriend. But I really have to go. It was nice meeting you."Freen said.
"Ok... We'll keep in touch, then..." Jacob said hugging Freen, both being able to smell their perfumes.
   Becky was looking at them from the distance, sighing, and feeling the urge to go to punch Jacob. She kept shaking her legs and biting on her lips angrily. Her father was right. She really needs to make a move or she will witness how someone will take Freen away from her. Now, she doesn't have to compete with Kirk only, but with this CEO too.
   Freen, Becky, Hailee, Zendaya, Kirk, and Cole made their way to a restaurant near the music studio to celebrate their last day of the project together. Freen and Becky stood next to each other. Hailee took a seat at the next spot available near Freen. Zendaya took a seat next to Becky, and near her, there were Cole and Kirk, so Cole stood in front of Becky and Kirk stood in front of Freen. After ordering their food and drinks, they started talking.
"How nice that the CEO recognized you, Freen!" Zendaya started and Becky glared at her, signaling for her not to talk about him.
"Yeah... It was nice..." Freen said blushing.
"Of course he recognized her. They were the big brains of the school. They competed against each other. There was this rivalry between them, for quizzes and scholarships. The teachers loved them both, and used to compare their work... Freen here had a huge crush on him." Hailee said teasing her friend.
"Shut up, Hailee! That's embarrassing." Freen told her friend.
   Kirk and Becky were very sad with the news, but the waiter brought them their drinks and they tried to hide their jealousy by sipping from their drinks. Zendaya scanned her friend and she decided to push the button a little more.
"Well, I would have a crush on him too. He seemed like the perfect guy." That made Becky almost choke on her drink.
"That's what our friend said too. Freen and I used to be friends with another girl, Bea... She didn't know that our Freen had a crush on Jacob, and they started dating in the 7th grade. Imagine how bad it was for Freen." Hailee said, and Freen kicked her leg under the table.
"Ouch! That's awful..." Zendaya added.
"It's fine. We were kids. And can you please shut up?" Freen said, looking at Hailee.
   Becky placed her hand on Freen's back and massaged it slowly in a comfortable manner. She sighed and realized that the older girl suffered from because of that tiny incident.
"Yeah... The cherry on top was that Jacob broke up with Bea, and he started bullying Freen. He had this arrogance towards her and said that he is the smartest, and silly thing that hurt her. Bea kept being our friend until she moved to Canada with her family. To be honest, I believe Jacob always wanted to date Freen, but he was a coward. He dated Freen's friend because he didn't dare to ask Freen out. His friend had a crush on her, so he thought it is not great to date his friends' crush." Hailee concluded, and Freen started punching her friend's arm.
"Yet, for Bea girl was easier to date her friend's crush, right?" Zendaya added.
"Bea never knew about Freen's crush. Only I knew this because I know Freen since we were in diapers, and I know when she likes someone... And I still think Jacob and Freen were a match made in heaven. Look at them: both studied law, and both into this industry. They used to have the same hobbies and interests..." Hailee added and made Cole and Zendaya laugh. Kirk and Becky were very uncomfortable, while Freen was blushing, and hid her face.
"Ok... So, Jacob, his friend... With how many people do I have to compete for your heart?" Becky took everyone by surprise with her statement, and Freen blushed like crazy.
"Ooh! I think I need some ice for my drink because things are getting hot here." Zendaya said making everyone laugh, except Cole and Kirk.
"Don't worry Becky, I will always be here for you. Kirk, can't you marry Freen faster?" Cole stated half joking.
"Well... Don't you see how many people want her?" Kirk said fake smiling.
"Shut up, Kirk. I'm only shipping 2 ships: either Freenbecky or Jacobeen." Hailee said and Freen looked at her friend with a puzzled expression.
"FreenBecky means you and Becky in a ship name. Jacobeen means you and Jacob. All you have to do is choose from A and B. Mommy will ship you." Hailee said, pinching Freen's cheeks, making everyone laugh with her playful tone.
The waiter came and placed the food on their table. The sauces were in tiny boxes, and Becky kept trying to open hers. Freen took it and open it, making Kirk ask them why didn't Becky open it herself.
"Well... Why should she bother when she has a Freen to do it?" Zendaya said making everyone laugh.
"It seems like she chose A. I'll be FreenBecky's captain sailing the ship," Hailee said making them laugh again.
"I'll join you. I'll be the second captain." Zendaya said taking a bite from her hamburger.
Freen and Becky became very embarrassed by their friends' jokes. Cole and Kirk faked their smiles at them. In their opinion, Freen and Becky will never be together. They were simply friends. They all enjoyed their food. Sometimes, Freen and Becky exchanged their food making everyone eye them suspiciously. Soon as they finished eating, they made their way to the parking lot.
"Well... It was a nice experience to work with you, guys! I hope we will meet each other soon, or maybe we could work together soon." Kirk said.
"Yes... We would love to. It was a nice project and we got along together." Hailee said.
"True. We were all professional... Group hug? I'm the tallest. Everyone come to mummy!" Zendaya said and everyone came into a group hug.
"Stop being dramatic and let's keep hanging out together,"  Hailee said chuckling.
"Yes! True!" Everyone agreed with her.
   They said their goodbyes, and they made their way to their cars. Overall, it was a nice evening for all of them. They enjoyed their company. When Freen reached her place, her phone started ringing. She entered the house, answering to none else than Becky.
"Already missed me?" Freen said, making Becky blush and laugh.
"Yeah... I wanted to know if you wanna come to my mother's concert next week. I'll be part of the show." Becky answered, nervously.
"Well... I wish I could, but I am afraid I'm extremely busy. But, I'll watch it online." Freen said while climbing the stairs.
"Mhm... The point was for us to meet." Becky confessed, biting her lip.
"Well... We could meet somewhere else... What would mother say if she sees me? You already know she hates me..."  Freen said taking a seat on her bed.
"Speaking of my mother... I have to hang up. She is calling my name downstairs. Bye-bye!" Becky said with a sad tone.
"Ok... Talk to you later! Bye!" Freen replied.
   As soon as they hang up, Freen received a message from Hailee. She was still upset with the comments that her friend made at the restaurant, but she decided to read them.
"Hey, Freenie! I know I almost made you cry at the restaurant. I am sorry! It was only for research purposes. My results are the following ones: 1. Becky has a crush on you. 2. Kirk has a crush on you. 3. Jacob still has a crush on you and you seem a little not over him. Now, the question is: Who will you choose? Please don't be mad at me.... I really love you, Jonas!❤️"

....To be continued...
Author's Note: Sorry, guys, for keeping you waiting! My health condition wasn't the best one lately... Now, I can't believe "Gap the series" ended. I still have some questions regarding the series and I'm very disappointed that we won't have a second season. The last episode was like this for me: in the first half I cried out of sadness, and in the second one I cried out of happiness... I can't wait until we have a new project from FreenBecky, and I hope it will be way longer than Gap The Series (with more episodes than "young and restless", please🤣) Let me know your thoughts about the story and the final episode. I'll take my time to read and answer your comments.

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