Chapter 13

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As Freen entered the car, she felt how the panic attack might occur at any moment. She thought that there might be something bad with her mother. She already knows that Demi almost died three times before, because of her drug addiction. It wasn't easy for her to see a mother being sent to rehab, and being hospitalized. She prayed her mother didn't go the old path.
"Max...Please tell me my mother is fine." Freen closed her eyes, anxious.
"Oh! Your mother is fine... don't worry! We really need to reach home fast." Max assured Freen, who was nervous about the situation.
At home, Freen was awaited by her parents. It was a surprising thing to get them together. Demi was shocked to see the father of her child standing in front of her daughter, with tears in his eyes. She was also shocked to find out the reason for his presence there, and as soon as she found it out, she called Freen so many times. Because she couldn't reach for her, she told Max to go pick her up. Demi and Joe were casually sitting on the sofa when Freen entered the house.
"Mom!!! Are you alright??" Freen rushed into her mother's arms.
"Yes, why are you so panicked, baby?" Demi said noticing Freen's trembling body.
"I'm sorry... My phone died...When Max said it was an emergency, I was scared something terrible happened to you..." Freen said looking at her mother.
"No, babe! Chill!" Demi rubbed her back.
After Freen calmed down a little she noticed her father's presence. She was shocked to see him there. She couldn't remember the last time they talked to each other, or he visited her. Maybe he paid some visits when she was little, but it was a very long time ago.
"Freen! Your father is here. He came to see you." Demi said calmly.
"Hello, Freen! Nice to see you." Joe said softly.
"Hello!" Freen awkwardly said.
"I'm sorry I scared you. It was not my intention. But I came here because I need your help." Freen was not impressed by her father's last sentence. She knew he didn't come just because he missed her. "I...You...As you already know, you have two sisters... The older one is Willa, who is 10 years old. The other one is Eda, who is only 7 years old. Unfortunately, Eda was born with some health problems, that's why we decided to keep her name out of the public eye. A few weeks ago we found out that she has Leukemia. We all got tested for bone marrow compatibility, but the results were unfortunate.... Freen..." Joe started crying, and Freen could predict the next sentence. "She will die without the transplant. Please, I'm begging you." He knelt down in front of her daughter. "Could you, please, do the compatibility test? Please! You might be the only person who can help her. Please, help my daughter!" Joe cried.
Freen was standing there shocked by everything she heard. She had mixed feelings about this situation. She was angry with her father: where was he when she broke her arm, when she fell down from the bicycle, when she was sick? For the other daughter, he cried like a baby in front of her. He begged her to save "his daughter", not her sister, who actually she never met before. So, she will help a stranger. However, one thing was clear: there is a kid who needs to be saved. She couldn't let a kid suffer as her aunt did, and she would do that no matter what.
"D-Dad... Please stand up. I don't like this." Freen tried to pick up her father.
"I'm sorry!" Joe stood up wiping the tears from his face. "I will let you think about this."
"I already took my decision. I will help your daughter." Freen said coldly.
"Freen... you don't go and buy ice cream. Please, think about this. There are risks implied in this process." Demi snapped out. She knows her daughter would not refuse to save someone's life, but she should be aware of the consequences.
"The discussion ends here. Call your doctor and let him know that I would like to be tested as soon as possible." Freen said and turned around, making her way to her room.
"Freen! Please, think more about this!" Demi yelled. "Joe! If something happens to my daughter, I will bury you and your family alive!" Demi was angry about putting her daughter's life in danger.
"Mom!! I said that the discussion has ended. Dad, call me when and where I should come." Freen said firmly and went to her room.
The next weekend, Freen was preoccupied with the kissing scene. She started reading online instructions and watched tutorials about how to kiss. She was very stressed. Nothing was clear to her, and she had no idea how to do it. Hailee phone-called her on Sunday night to check how everything is going.
"Sup, dork? How is it going?" Hailee asked her friend.
"Hailee... I'm so damn stressed with this kiss scene. I swear... I am so damn stupid!" Freen confessed.
"As far as I know you, by this time, you already checked every tutorial and instruction over the Internet. Am I right?" Hailee said smiling at the thought.
"Mhm.. you are right." Freen sighed, and this made Hailee burst into laughter.
"You!! I can't brief...I swear! Your nerdy look, focused, analyzing how people kiss." Hailee laughed so hard.
"If you are being stupid, I will hang up!" Freen snapped.
"Ok... sorry! You, moron, the kiss cannot be learned by reading and watching." Hailee was holding her laughter.
"You piss me off!" Freen said sulking.
"Ok...Why are you so afraid of that damn kiss?"
"Because... I'm 24 years old and I'm so damn embarrassed with people finding out I didn't kiss anyone before. I'm also afraid it would look terrible on screen, so everyone will find out that I'm a novice. Plus, Becky... What she would say if I don't know how to kiss? She already had her first kiss... She will compare me with the others..." Freen said in a sad tone.
"Damn! That kid is really great. I'm wondering what other things she has already done. Why don't you tell her to initiate the kiss? I mean, it would be easier to reciprocate, than initiate it..." Hailee so wanted to tease Freen right now, but she knew that her friend needs help.
"Like saying: I'm too stupid to initiate the kiss, just do it instead of me. It's so embarrassing." Freen sighed.
"Ok... now we have two options: we are practicing kissing together.. or! you go tell Becky the truth and she can help you. That's it." Hailee said smiling.
"First option, please!" Freen said sighing.
"Nope! The first option is not available, sorry! Tell her the truth!! Listen here, Freen! After we finish this conversation, you go and contact Becky. You tell her how you feel. Like: 'Hey! How are you? I wanted to ask you something if you don't mind. I want to practice the kiss before shooting it. Could you please give me a hand?' You could say "mouth" instead of "hand".." Hailee smirked, holding her laughing.
"Ugh! You're an idiot!! I can't do that!"
"Babe... Unless you tell her, you can't do anything... Be fair with her. She will help you. Becky is a nice and sweet girl. Don't pretend you are a hot bitch who kissed so many people, because it would be more disappointing, and you will be very embarrassed." Hailee tried to explain to her friend.
"Why are you so mean and don't want to help me, dude?" Freen said almost crying from the embarrassment.
"Freen! Stop being so dramatic! I won't kiss you! Or... you try and tell Becky, and if she is not willing to help you, I will kiss you! Deal?" Hailee said.
"Don't make me do this!" Freen whined.
"Freen! Are you stupid? What are you going to do when you will have your first night with someone? Will I go there and tell you what to do? Just stop being so immature! Grow up! I promise that if Becky doesn't help you, I will kiss you. Now, go call Becky!" Hailee said in an ordering tone, knowing her friend will follow it.
"Ugh! I hate you, Steinfield!" Freen yelled at her friend.
"Love you, Jonas!" Hailee hangs up.
Freen didn't know what to do... She kept thinking about what Hailee told her, to contact Becky and be fair to her. She couldn't ask anyone for other advice... Nope, she will have to ask her mother.
"Mom! I need your help!!" Freen shouted and Demi rushed into her room, with her right palm in the direction of her heart.
"What happened?" Demi questioned her daughter, panicked.
"I...This week I will have the kissing scene.."
"Damn it, Freen! I thought something happened to you!! Didn't we already deal with that problem?" Demi tried to catch her breath.
"Well... I don't know what to do and what to do exactly... Do you think is a good idea to confess to Becky that I never kissed anyone before and ask for help?" Freen worried about the whole situation.
"Look! I am not willing to have this conversation. I believe it is actually a good idea of having this conversation with Swift. I know you are a softie behind this wall that you sometimes show to people. My Freen is a sensitive baby who stresses over nothing and wants everything to be like in her imagination. I know you had thought of your first kiss at least once in your life. I'm not gonna scold you for choosing this career at this point, but since you have the first kiss with Swift, you could have it before the scene. As I already told you, it's less stressful. My point is, she is your colleague, so you should help each other out. You could tell her how you always imagined the first kiss, and she will help you, create a similar scenario." Demi tried to advise her daughter.
"Mom! I'm so ashamed to tell her.." this made Demi facepalm
"Lord give me strength! Freen! If you are so afraid of a damn kiss, how do you think I will allow you to be a donor?? Listen to me! Remember the song that I wrote about us, a few years ago? "Lionheart"? You are a lion's heart. Just, trust yourself more. Ok... We already lost 30 minutes for a stupid kiss. Go, call Swift! And sort this out."
After the conversation she had with her mother, Freen texted Becky that she needs her help with a scene. And Becky agreed to meet her and rehearse the next morning.
Freen felt so anxious about everything, however, she met Becky at the Starbucks coffee near their filming studio.
"Good morning, Freen! How are you? Let's get in the line." Becky said being energetic.
"Morning! Yes! Let's order something!" Freen agreed with Becky.
When they finally had to order, and the barista asked for their drinks, it took them both by surprise when they said "Caramel Macchiato" at the same time. They both blushed at the situation. Who would think they both liked the same drink? After they picked their order, they went into a quiet corner so they could discuss.
"Ok... So... Which scene are you struggling to?" Becky asked, reaching for her drink.
"Mhm... The kissing scene" Freen said blushing like a tomato, and Becky spilled a sip of coffee, as she heard it.
"Oh! Sorry! Please, take this." Freen gave Becky a tissue, and their fingers touched.
"Mhm... Ok... So... Let's do it. Should we go find another place for this?" Becky asked blushing at the thought of kissing Freen, and she nervously sipped on her drink.
"Well... Actually... It's actually my first kiss." Freen said making Becky almost choke.
"Ouch! Are you sick today?" Freen asked not being aware of Becky's behavior.
"No! *cough* I'm ok... you just... I mean...I didn't expect that... So... I don't want you to lose your kiss like that. Let's make it special... Mine was stolen, and I didn't get to have it in front of the castle, as I always imagined. So, if you'd like, we could have it wherever you want. I just want you to be comfortable with that." Becky smiled.
"Mhm... to be honest, I don't know how to do this... how to kiss. I swear that in my head I hear a voice saying 'Bacteria! Saliva exchange!'." Freen was so embarrassed.
"Well.. you need to relax. Let's do it now! Wherever you want, and get over it. Choose a place and let's go! We don't wanna have our faces on newspapers!" Becky said, making Freen nodding. She thought a little, and then she grabbed Becky's hand. They went to the filming studio, in the backyard, where no one could see them.
"Mhm... That's a nice place! Here! Let's take a sit." Freen said offering Becky a place on the bench.
"Ok...Let's relax a little bit... So... Are you ok with that?" Becky stared into Freen's eyes.
"Well... I don't wanna answer. Which castle would you have liked to have your first kiss at?" Freen asked.
"Mhm...Buckingham.. since I'm half British.." Becky said.
"Ok... Let's do this.." Freen searched for an image of Buckingham Palace, she set her screen always on and put it between them. "Done!" This made Becky burst into a burst of laughter.
"You are so cute, Simba! Ok...Let's do it like this. I'll first give you a peck then I'll make my way. You should stay relaxed, and close your eyes. Ok?" Becky instructs her.
"Ok.." Freen felt how the anxiety started building in her body.
Becky slowly took Freen's hands into hers and stared into her eyes. She was so beautiful! How could a girl like her have never been kissed by anyone? She arranged a strain of hair behind Freen's ear and got closer to her face. Freen could hear her increased heartbeats, as she saw Becky's beautiful face coming closer to hers. She was about to say something but Becky interrupted her. "Shh... it's fine... You are so beautiful Freen." Becky said with a very soft tone, and Freen closed her eyes. That's when Becky pecked her lips. Both girls felt butterflies in their stomachs as their lips connected. Becky cupped Freen's face softly, Warmth built in her chest, sparks igniting as Freen leaned in close, lips brushing together, tentatively, for their second time. The smell of their perfume, of the scent of their conditioners, was mixing, getting them addicted to each other. Becky kissed Freen, once again, their lips were soft. They could feel the soft tickle of their breath beneath their noses, Becky's fingers massaging through Freen's hair as they breathed each other in. Becky noticed how Freen got relaxed in the kiss, so she took her chance to insert her tongue slowly into her mouth, turning it into a French one. Becky stopped when she realized that was too much for Freen's first time. She pulled away and leaned her forehead against Freen's.
"Wow! That was beautiful!" She said, between the breaths, smiling and making Freen open her eyes.
"Really? Was I good enough?" Freen questioned worriedly.
"The question is: Was I actually good enough for you?"
"May I try?" Freen said, blushing... "I'll be the one who gets to initiate the kiss tomorrow.." she felt the need to explain, and Becky nodded.
"Freen... Tomorrow, try not to...Mhm...I mean...Keep it simple... because, it will be way too hot for a teenager movie." Becky blushed at the thought.
"Mhm... Ok. Like this?" Freen slowly placed her right hand on Becky's face, and softly made her way to her lips. She gave her a soft, sweet, and beautiful kiss, inhaling the caramel macchiato brief and testing it one more time. When she finished, she kissed her on the cheek.
"How was it?" Freen asked panicked.
"Mhm... Very good. Very nice! Are you sure you have never done that before?" Becky rubbed her own neck, nervously. She so wanted to tell her that it was hot, but she hid it
"Thank you so much! Damn! I'm so relieved! Thank you! thank you!! You are the Best!" Freen hugged Becky tightly. She was so happy that she will be prepared for the scene now.
"Don't worry! Anytime!" Becky said still affected by the kiss.
"Ok.. we should leave this place.. they will soon come here for the break. Do you need a ride somewhere?" Freen asked Becky.
"No... I'll go with my driver. He is waiting for me at Starbucks. Let's go back there."
As soon as their split, both girls smiled at the thought of kissing each other. They couldn't take their mind off how silky were their lips, how well they synced against each other... It was the perfect first kiss for Freen like she had imagined, and she was happy she listened to Hailee.

.... To be continued...

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