Chapter 3 (Continued)

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Hi everyone =)

So I have not idea when this turned into one helluva filler chapter, but there it is. I promise promise promise the next one is fun, pinkie swear.  Just bear with me one this one if you please.

Anywho, enough with the prologues. Read on and enjoy!

The next morning, Anne woke me at eight-thirty so I could get ready to go next door to Mendips.  I almost complained, but then I remembered Anne’s story, and decided against it.  I woke with the resolution that I was going to give John a completely new chance to start over; a clean slate.  With my new information in mind, I was going to refrain from judging him, hoping that maybe that might improve our relationship.

By ten of nine, I had slipped on a light raincoat to cover my red and white striped sweater and my one pair of jeans that I had snuck into my suitcase, and began to trudge through the early morning drizzle down the sidewalk a short ways over to John’s house.

Pushing through the gate of Mendips, I plunged my hands even deeper into my pockets and, after rapping at the door, listened to the sloshing of the rain as it formed a small puddle around the base of my feet.

It didn’t take long for Mimi to briskly answer the door, quickly looking me up and down before impatiently gesturing me inside with a, “Come along, I have plenty for you to do.”

Following her into the house, I let the door close shut behind me as I took in the interior of Mendips.  It was very similar to the inside of Anne’s home, though maybe decorated a bit more traditionally.  She led me down the carpeted hallway and into the kitchen, pulling a sheet of paper from one of the drawers.

“Can I offer you some tea?” she asked distractedly, not taking her eyes off the paper she was scanning.

“No, thanks,” I replied, tangling my fingers together and looking around uncomfortably, wondering just what Mimi had in store for me.

“Alright, just one more item I think,” I heard her murmur, and looked up to see her write a few things on the paper.

“You’ve got to be joking,” I groaned silently. “A list? Good god I can only imagine…”

Mimi passed over the list to me, saying quickly, “This is what I’ve left you to take care of, it shouldn’t take you more than three hours-”

Three hours?!” I cried internally.                                                  

 “Meanwhile, I need to step out and do a bit of running around, errands and such, so if you have any questions as to where things are, John will be up soon, I should expect, and he can help you get things sorted. Yes?” she finished up, pulling on a raincoat that was hanging on the back of a kitchen chair.

“Uhh, sure?” I said, posing it rather as a question. She moved very fast for an older woman, and I found my head reeling from the whirlwind that was Mimi Smith.

She started making her way back down the hallway to the front door, me at her heels, hanging onto every word with the fear that I may miss something. “Good, I’ll probably be out for the better part of the afternoon, so I don’t believe I’ll be seeing you until tomorrow.”

She paused, her hand on the door knob. She was about to push her way out when she turned back and gave me one last command. “One final thing: if John isn’t up within the hour I’d appreciate it ever so much if you woke him up. Alright? Thank you.” And she was off, the faint patter of the rain audible for a moment, then muffled once more as the door shut with a resounding thud behind her retreating figure.

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