Chapter 3 (Beginning)

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Hi everyone! Thanks to those of you who left such positive comments for the last chapter, you guys really made me happy :) This chapter is a bit of a filler, but it's important and the next one is sure to be a fun one, so hang in there all of you and thanks for reading!

Chapter 3: A Day in the Life

            A few hours had passed since Mimi and John had left, and I was still shocked about what had happened.  Had my favorite aunt just sold my soul and my summer to John’s strict aunt? And was I really now condemned to spend the entire three months in that house, simultaneously having to clean and be harassed by John, who I honestly couldn’t stand? Needless to say, I wasn’t in the mood to talk to my aunt until I absolutely had to, which was at dinner. 

            Looking back, I’m glad I didn’t skip that meal (which I was very tempted to do), as what I learned prepared me for the next day in a completely different way than I expected.


            Trudging downstairs for dinner, I was not looking forward to seeing my aunt, who I was still upset with.  How dare she act so nice all day, telling me I’d have time to visit the record shop and explore the city when all she had planned for me was a summer of work? I couldn’t wrap my brain around it, and I would have much rather stayed in my room the rest of the night wearing out my Eddie Cochran record (which I had spent the majority of the day doing). 

            Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten, and when Anne called me down for a meal it took all my restraint not too seem too eager and hurl myself down the stairs at whatever she had set out for me.  Instead, I put on my “I’m not pleased and am only here because I have to be” façade and walked stiffly downstairs, turning left at the landing and walking down the remainder of the hallway into the small kitchen which housed a small round table set with two steaming plates of nondescript food.  I didn’t care much what it was at that point, as long as it filled the ache that was starting to form in my stomach from hunger.  I sat down, still stiff, and began to eat with my eyes glued to the plate while eating, not wanting to make eye contact with Anne, who was sitting across from me with her arms folded, watching me intently.

            Neither of us spoke and it was deathly quiet, so it startled me when she piped up and said “You do know I’m not trying to torture you right?” she asked, as if this should be an obvious question.  “The only reason I accepted with Mimi is so you can get to know John better.”

            I looked up suddenly and stared at her disbelievingly. This had thrown me off; it was definitely not the reason I thought she’d give. I groaned inwardly; she must think I had a crush on John too! 

She chuckled at my reaction and asked, “Why do you think I accepted? I’m not naïve like your mother and think every teenager wants to spend the summer doing housework.  I just think,” she paused, fixing me with an indistinguishable look, “that after the two exchanges you’ve had with John today, you’re still judging him more harshly then you need to, and I feel like since you seem to like doing that, judging I mean, you should at least see him in a more natural setting before deciding if you like him or not.”

I continued staring at her, agape at her thought process.  Why on earth should I try to get to know one of the biggest jerks I’d ever met? Wasn’t it bad enough that I had to clean his house?  I picked up my glass of water for something to do, something to excuse myself from having to talk.

But Anne continued on, not done with her argument.  “I also think that you could help him.”

This sent me over the edge, causing me so much shock that water went everywhere as I spluttered and gasped. After a moment of calming myself, I, still wheezing, managed to choke out, “WHAT?!”

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