Chapter 11 : Home Concert

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"Are you sure you can stay alone? I'll be home pretty late," Chan asked Haein again while putting on his shoes. He had a fan meet/concert today. So he would come home pretty late. He was worried about her being home alone for that long. He told her about it few days ago and she told him she was fine with it. Still he asked her again on the last minute.

"I told you I'll be fine. Just go and do your job. I can stay home alone. I've done this before too," she assured him once again.

"Alright but I'll keep calling you. Pick up when I do. Finish your studies and then do whatever you like. I kept dinner in the fridge too. Don't skip your meals," he spoke like a real father.

"I will, don't worry. Just go and have fun," she smiled. He got up from the couch and finally left.

Haein passed the day doing her regular activities. But at night, she got bored. She had nothing to do. Then she remembered it had been a long time since she had her own concert. She looked at the clock. It was 10 pm. Great, there's plenty of time till he would come home. She removed the coffee table of the living room to the side, turned on YouTube on the TV, and put up some of her favorite songs with the volume high (but not too high since she didn't want to disturb the neighbors).

At first, she started with "Hype Boy" the classic. No matter how much she listened to that song, she just never got bored with it. She danced to the choreo pretending to be one of the NewJeans members herself.

The next song was "Cry for me" by TWICE. Her ult group. She danced to a few more songs and then it was time for another one of her favorites, "ANTIFRAGILE" by LE SSERAFIM. She danced with full energy again. It was soon time for ger favorite part of the choreography. Kazuha's ballerina split.

She sang along to the lyrics, "Don't forget about my Pointe shoes- Ow!" She lifted her leg to do the split but she ended up hurting her muscles. It wasn't anything new for her though. Like that one time she dislocated her shoulders dancing to "Wannabe". She held her waist and legs in pain. Why did these choreographies have to be so bone breaking?

"You shouldn't do that move if you're not a professional, you know." Haein immediately turned her head when she heard that voice and saw Chan standing at the door. She quickly paused the video, jumped behind the sofa and hid herself. She knew it was of no use but still. She raised her head a little to see what he was doing. He was taking off his shoes. She tried to steady her breathing. But it wasn't working. She was heavily panting due to all the dancing, also occasionally coughing.

"Oh Chris, when did you come home?"

" Just now. Are you hurt?" She heard him say.


"I was worried about you the whole time today but looks like you were enjoying yourself," he said with a playful smile, adding more to her embarrassment. "I'm sorry to interrupt your 'concert'."

"H-how much did you see?"

"Hmm... From the chorus."

Shit. He had seen a lot. She hid behind the sofa again and let out a silent scream. She heard him say again, "Please be careful from the next time. I don't want you ripping a tendon or breaking a bone. Come out now. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She slowly came out infront of him, still not being able to look at him properly. "I brought you some fried chicken. The kids and I had some after the concert. So I thought might as well bring some for you."

"Oh thanks," she scratched the back of her neck.

"You dance really good though. With a little more practice you can get better."

"I... uh... I'm not- I don't-" she didn't know how to respond to that. While she was stuttering, he kept the chicken on the dining table and went to his room straight while humming to, "Anti ti ti ti fragile fragile."

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now