Chapter 12 : Chan's struggles as a single father pt.2 : Shopping

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Sunny Saturday has come and Haein was awake from the early hours. She has been doing that ever since moving in with Bang Chan and she felt guilty because of it, as if she was keeping some kind of a secret from a man who saved her from the claws of her abusive parents. But, she didn't want to burden him more - he's already done enough for her - that was her thought.

Haein sneaked into the apartment building's washroom in the basement and stuffed all of her dirty clothes in the washing machine, poured the detergent, and pressed the right commands for the washing. When the quick cycle was done, she picked up the pile of clothes and ran back to her room. Opening the balcony door, she went out on the small terrace and hung the wet clothes on the wire she put up herself. Half of the clothes that couldn't fit on the wire were scattered all over her room - on the chair, bed frame, hangers, etc.

When she was done, Haein went to make breakfast and eat before Chan woke up. But, just when she was taking a seat at the dining table, letting down a plate with her rice omelet, Bang Chan's bedroom door opened and he stepped out yawning and ruffling his messy morning hair. Haein's eyes fell straight to his body - he wore only a pair of wide black shorts, no shirt in sight. 

Bang Chan stretched and Haein tensed up, watching as his abdominal muscles stretch as well. He then grunted and she flinched, averting her eyes from him and feeling her face heat up. When Chan opened his eyes, he almost screamed, doing a small jump backward and covering his chest with his arms when he saw Haein at the table. She was absent-mindedly cutting the same piece of omelet over and over again.

"I-I didn't know you were up..." he stuttered, running back to the bathroom. Chan came out a few minutes later, wearing one of his black sleeveless shirts while Haein tried to eat her breakfast as calmly and fast as she could, "I'm sorry about..." he started but she sprung up and turned to the kitchen, keeping herself busy by washing the plate.

"It-it's okay," she mumbled, the sound of clashing dishes keeping the atmosphere loud, instead of that uncomfortable silence.

Bang Chan wanted to say something and ease the situation but a doorbell interrupted his thoughts and he opened to an old lady from the neighborhood, waving with something in her hand, "I found this on the sidewalk and, asking all the neighbors so far, no one confirmed it was theirs. Could it yours?" she asked and Chan, seeing traces of pink on the cloth, turned to call for Haein.

She stopped washing the dishes and came to the door, wiping her hands on the dishcloth. Her eyes grew big when she saw what the old lady was holding.

"Is this yours, girlie? No one in the building knows..." she said and Haein bowed, apologizing. The woman handed Haein the pink piece and went off.

When Chan closed the front door, Haein ran to the sofa and sat there, burying her face in her hands, "Oh, my god, this is so embarrassing!" she almost cried in embarrassment, "Now the whole neighborhood knows that I have a Hello Kitty pajama!" she whimpered and Chan chuckled.

Haein shot him a glare and he stopped, raising his hands in defeat, "I'm sorry but... what is your pajama doing outside on the sidewalk?"

Haein sighed, feeling guilty as if she was caught in a criminal act. She spoke up after a few moments of silence, "I put the washed clothes on a wire outside to dry... the wind must've blown it away..."

Chan couldn't suppress a chuckle but apologized right away. He came to the sofa and sat next to Haein, putting his hand over hers which she gripped her pajama pants with. She looked up at him, meeting his warm smile.

"That's a silly thing you did, Haein," Chan started, "I wash and dry all my clothes in the basement washroom. You too can use the dryer," his smile was replaced with a confused expression, "Now that I think about it... I never saw you wash your clothes..." he added, looking at her.

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