Where we started ( Chapter 1 )

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ANDRE: I swear, if you open your mouth again I'm going to bang you in your face

I  glanced up at Andre, not at all fazed by his words. I think I was meant to be afraid of him, but I was obviously immune to whatever witchcraft he usually uses to make him seem remotely threatening.

He had been shouting nonsense for a good five minutes, which is a lot longer than I would normally give someone to say their piece. It was a Thursday which meant my house was open to more or less every teenager living in London. Everyone (meaning my brothers and sister) brought their friends round on Thursday’s, which unfortunately means that you get the odd prick turning up, like Andre.

I had said excuse me to him about a thousand times and he was just sitting there as if I hadn't said a word. Andre was trying my patience, patience that I generally didn’t have. I'm not a nice girl and I’m not going to waste my time trying to be something I'm not. I asked him to move out of my way another time and he didn't respond. I looked around and saw one of my mother's classic’s laying on the mantel piece. I picked up the hardback  , lightly throwing up in the air , it was a good weight. I caught it and whacked Andre around the head with it.


ME: Don't piss me off , please , I'm in a good mood , don't ruin it 

He kissed his teeth and clenched his fist; I watched his arm as it rose and stumbled backwards as his fist connected with my cheek. I stood in a daze, rubbing my cheek. I was confused at first, I found it hard accepting the fact that he had actually hit me .I slowly paced towards him, but felt a strong hold on my shoulder .Daniel gently pushed me behind him and pounced on Andre. I watched them fight , not standing too far away from them , you weren't going to catch me braking  them up. They must've of been making a lot of noise as Adam and his boys soon filed in. They pulled the two boys apart. 

Daniel spat on the ground making me cringe.


ADAM: What

I watched Adam's expression turn from confused to pissed.

DANIEL: He hit Courtney



Andre didn't get to say anything more as my brother and a few of his friends dragged him out of the house. I started to laugh but then paused, remembering Daniel.

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