Chapter 12

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Harry's P.O.V.

I appear into the hall of the RoR and begin thinking 'I need to speak to Godric Gryffindor' as I continue to pace back the room appears and I walk in. Godric's painting is on the wall and I greet him. "Hello Godric" he smiles back at me "Hello Harry, I knew you could do it." I feel happy to know what had occurred today as I am sure no one knew of the day's events yet. " Thank you Godric." I look down at my hands and think to myself ' I only did it for her ' " I know you did Harry. " "Can you read my mind?" I question him. Godric lets out a hearty laugh but his face returns to a serious one. "No Harry I cannot but I know of the look on your face all too well. I am well aware that you didn't simply save the magical world and it's future for them. I know you did it for your love, your mate as your wolf put it." "Yes Godric, could you please tell me what that was about." He nods " Of course Harry, you see there's a very rare occurrence that can sometimes happen with magical creatures and beings such as ourselves. I don't believe there is any term in it for the books you'll find at Hogwarts but, in your instance I would call it an imprint or marking." I looked at him questioning "Allow me to explain in life people and creatures a like pick the person they wish to be with, but there are special instances where a person knows with every fiber of their being that they never wish to be with another no matter what happens to the person they wish to spend their life with. In your case you have chosen Miss Hermione Granger, being also a wolf you have both chosen Hermione as that mate. No matter how hard you try if you were to try your body and your magic will not allow you to be with another.  Essentially your life is now tied to Hermione Granger." "Well that's just great" I mumble kicking the ground Godric laughs "Harry be patient you will see in time, how things will begin to change. I believe there are some people here that can help you understand that." Suddenly another portrait appeared in the room. "Hello son." A voice almost identical to my own is heard I snap my head immediatley in the direction of the new portrait and before my eyes are my parents James and Lilly Potter.

No P.O.V.

Harry's body begins to tremble he never thought he would get a chance like this in his life. Lilly Potter through the barrier of the portrait smiled at her dear boy he had grown up and was no longer the baby that she and her husband happily gave their lives for. "Hello Harry, my beautiful boy you have grown up so much since I have last seen you." She smiles warmly at her son as she sees tears form in her sons eyes. "Hello son" James started he smiles broadly at his now grown up son " I hear you have fallen for certain bright witch." He chuckles looking knowingly to his wife. Harry looks towards his parents his tears falling down his face and nods. " Yes I have fallen and apparently now have imprinted on her." James looked his wife confused. " Harry are you not happy that you have fallen in love with her? Why are you so sad?" Harry took in a deep breath "She doesn't love me dad, not in the way I do her, she is in love with a man who I used to think of as my best mate." Lilly's heart went out to her son she hated to see him in such heart break. James once again spoke up. " Harry were you ever told the story of your mother and I?" Harry shook his head "No it isn't anything Sirius or Remus choose to speak about." James chuckled thinking about the mischief he and his friends would commit in their time at Hogwarts. Lilly decided to speak " Let's just say it didn't start in the best way possible Harry. You see while I believed your father was very handsome and dashing, he was also the biggest prat in the world when I first met him and he could be a real pain." James wrapped his arm around his wife "But your mother didn't think that forever." Both Potters laughed as James placed a kiss on his wife's forehead. " I didn't really notice your mother at first since I was busy with Sirius, and Remus causing havoc around the grounds but around our fourth year I really saw your mother and to say I was heads over heals is an over statement. From that moment forward I tried everything I could to get the attention of your mother, slowly we became friends but when I first told her I had feelings for her she thought that I was messing with her and rejected me immediately." Lilly took over the story once more. " Until one day my eyes were opened to the truth, you see Harry by this point in time your father and Sirius had learned how to become a animagus to accompany Remus. Your father's Stag also chose me as it's partner, one night I was out in the forest studying for a big exam I had in potions the next day. Out of no where a curse came flying  towards me I was completely paralyzed not knowing how to react at the spell heading right for me when suddenly a stag appears just as fast the curse had and threw me onto its back and ran to the gates of the castle. Before I could say anything your father had transformed back into his human form and went sprinting into the forest to fight off whatever had tried to attack his mate."   Harry was amazed he had no clue his parents had experienced such dangerous adventures as he had at their time at Hogwarts. " I stayed in front of the castle waiting, praying, begging to anyone who could hear me that your father would make it out okay, because I needed to tell him that I had feelings for him as well." The Potters held each other remembering that day fondly and while the attack of what at the time was an angry Lucius Malfoy they were happy that it was the day that brought them together. "Harry I believe you have already shown Hermione how you truly feel. She believes you but she has to figure out her feelings towards you, but listen to me son if you and your wolf have both chosen Hermione as your mate that means that this is what is meant to be. Don't rush it your time with Hermione will come sooner rather than later." Harry smiled at his parents and was grateful that Godric was able to provide him with this. " I love and miss you both so much." Harry stated " We miss you too son and we are so proud of the young man that you have become, defeating a Dark Lord and without spilling blood that is truly admirable Harry. Your father and I love you so much and cannot wait to see what you and Hermione become, while we may not be living currently I hope you will bring us grandchildren that can visit the portraits of the grandparents. "Of Course I will" Harry said tears brimming into his eyes again. With that the room once again turned into the common room, Harry took a seat on one of the couches soaking in the past day with only one thought present on his mind. 'One day she will be mine' He smiled to himself as he laid down on the couch and dozed off. 

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