𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 : 𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙮 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧

554 36 23

jungkook watched you heading toward the couch while panicking. he sighed and followed you and sat beside you.

"I'm scared, jungkook," you expressed. one of jungkook's hands wrapped around you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Don't be," he ensured. "I will take care of everything." he softly worded, trying to calm you.

"dad's going to be disappointed in me," you anxiously told him. "he won't be. He loves you." said jungkook.

you know your dad would be really aggrieved because not only you got yourself wrapped up in a relationship but also didn't inform him.

"leave everything on me, alright? also, skip uni for today." he kissed your forehead.


jungkook placed an elegant vase consisting of tulips, iris, and peonies on the coffee table in the leaving room to put an impression on your mom after he got the information about your mom's favorite flowers.

he has heard a lot about your mom from you and he comprehended she's a sweetheart just like her daughter. he just needs to put a little bit of work into your dad and he's confident to win his trust too.

he was in his formal attire already as he was prepared for university. he looked authentic yet gorgeous wearing the white shirt and ironed plain pants.

he also did some touch-ups on him to appear enough presentable in front of your parents. he was nervous as hell but also exhilarated underneath. He will finally meet your parents.

meanwhile, you were standing by the glassed wall, anxiously biting your nails. When jungkook noticed you he walked over to you with a small smile. "didn't I tell you not to worry?" he moved your hand away from your mouth.

"you trust me right?" you immediately nodded. "then just relax your head. you're giving it a hard time," jungkook chuckled but you sighed as the unease in your chest still didn't go.

you looked at him and fixed his hair strand that was sticking out over his forehead. "you removed your lip ring?" you smiled while your eyes were on his lips.

"your father won't love that," you laughed making a gentle smile curve upon his lips. "let me make my special shakes for them," he told you and you could see the zeal in him.

you fiddled with his collar before placing a sticky peck on his lips. "i don't want you to get hurt, jungkook. you're just so nice," you always remind him how much of a nice person he is and he always adores it.

taking your hand in his he kissed the back of it. "i won't give up on you," he stated.

while jungkook was busy making shakes for the four of you, he heard the doorbell ring. he gulped. he was timid likewise. he would meet your parents for the first time.

he knew his one mistake could bring issues. however, he won't let you down. he doesn't want to come to you as a loser who failed to claim his love in front of your parents.

jungkook placed the glasses on a tray before decorating the top of the shakes. he fixed his shirt and specs before picking up the tray. he straightened his posture finally heading towards the living room.

the moment he entered all eyes went over to him in rather a confused and stunned manner but still, he delivered a sweet smile maintaining eye contact with both of your parents.

he noticed your dad taking a glance at you when jungkook placed the tray on the marble coffee table.

he again stood straight taking a few steps back while the silence grew more. jungkook looked over at you and could read your nervousness and he passes you a small smile in assurance.

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