Chapter 10

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They'd gotten as far as the Talon as Clark and Lex went back and forth with suggestions.

"You said this happened at the fortress, then that's where we need to go." Clark was ready to take off, but Lex halted him.

"Wait, when I woke up, I was in the hospital. We need to check the hospitals, she could be at one of them." Clark pulled his truck off to the side.

It made sense. He recalled about a month ago he'd been at Clark's house having a conversation, that's why when he woke in a hospital and you were there, he was a little confused. You'd brought him right back to the place he'd started.

"I can run us there, it would be faster." Clark stated. It was easier when he knew he didn't have to hide it.

"No!" Clark was startled by Lex's tone.

"Your secret we..we can't risk anyone seeing you. "

Clark was stunned at how protective Lex was acting.

"The truck is fine." Lex kept his eyes focused on the road, and Clark pulled out, setting his route for the hospital.

There was a silence that followed in the car.

Clark felt like he had to say this. Because there seems to be very little Lex didn't know about now.

"When you regained consciousness, I felt something."

Lex's eyes darted across.

"What did you feel?!"

"It's hard to explain. But that girl, if she's just like me, then we must be connected in some way."

As crazy as it sounds, Lex understood.

"Maybe there is a chance that they are connected."

Right now he could use the hope.

Clark's hand gripped the steering wheel. He'd learned enough not to ignore certain signs. That's why when Lex insisted, he couldn't help but believe him. Because this was different.

Every couple seconds Clark found himself glancing at Lex. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen him this anxious. Lex had always been someone who was great at keeping his composure.

But this person he was searching for, it reminded him of that one time when he'd thought Lois was hurt. He hadn't realized how much he actually cared for the pushy brunette until she was in danger. Looking at Lex, it's almost like looking into a mirror.

"You're in love with her."

Clark wasn't sure what possessed him to say that. But Lex didn't even look at him this time. He didn't confirm Clark's suspicions, but he never denied it either.

"We should hurry." Lex urged. Clark refocused on the road with a nod.

It took them about fifteen minutes to get to the hospital. Once there they'd decided to split up. Lex rushed to urgent care, and Clark stayed on the very first floor for any incidents that were just reported. The plan was to regroup in fifteen minutes and come up with another plan of action if they weren't successful.

Lex had been probing doctors and nurses, but he was having very little luck. Clark had to physically force himself not to superspeed through the rooms. After seeing how desperate Lex was, all he wanted at that moment was to find you. He turned around another corner, and to his surprise, he spotted Lois.

"Smallville, what are you doing at the hospital? Here for your daily dose of IV?"

"Sorry Lois, I'm kind of busy looking for someone. "

"That's great, I'm in a similar predicament. "

"Who did you lose?"

"A chick about this high. I was out on route 16 when she came out of nowhere. I brought her in here, but now she's gone." Clark stopped.

"Lois, where is she?"

"Woah what's got your knickers in a twist, weren't you listening, I lost her. I didn't even get a name. I think maybe she was drugged. I've been checking missing persons but no one seems to recognize her." Lois paused for a second, tilting her head.

"You know Smallville, she..kinda looked like you." His eyes widened.

"Thank you Lois." He gave her a brief hug, taking off in the other direction. Lois just stood there baffled.

"Anytime Smallville.."


"I'm not getting anywhere."

He was starting to lose hope. He didn't want to believe that you'd completely vanished, but it was becoming very bleak. The only other place they could check was the fortress. If that turned out to be another dead end, he wasn't sure what he would do.


Clark's call pulled him from his somber thoughts.

"I think I have something. Lois said she brought in someone, she found her passed out on the highway."

"It could be (Y/N)!"

"That's what I thought. She just woke up so she's heading somewhere. Can you think of anywhere she would go if she's scared, confused."

If he had to guess he would say the farm. That's where he'd gone when he lost his memories. That's where he felt the safest, no doubt you would too.

"She has to be back at the house."

"I'll call my parents and tell them to keep a lookout. " The were both rushing back to the truck as Clark dialed the number. It rang a couple times.


"Dad it's me, she might be there. Lex thinks she might have gone to the house because it's familiar. "


He didn't like the way his father sounded.

"Dad, what's wrong?!"

"We're fine just...get back here as soon as you can. I think she's here."

Clark turned to Lex.

"They found her, she's at the house." Lex didn't need to hear much more.

"We're on our way dad!"

He hung up the phone, jumping into the truck as they basically sped down the road. 

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