Chapter 12

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~Three Months Later~

"Hey Leo, my mom said to drop these off." You placed the boxes of pie on the counter at the Talon.

"Thanks (Y/N.)." You were wearing a smile, and Leo raised a brow.

"What?" You ask with a giggle.

"Nothing, it's just that there's something different about you. There's this glow about you."

Leo didn't delve any further, he just passed you the money for the pies.

"See you around Kent." It was a playful jest. You just slipped the money in your pocket, watching as Leo walked away.


You groaned at the male that just walked in.

"What do you want Levi? I'm not helping you sneak into another building for a story."

"Come on, it could be fun. Don't be a killjoy." He persisted to ruffle your hair, in which you took a step back with an unamused look.

"Fine, suit yourself. I guess I'll just have to ask my dear old cousin Calvin."

"No complaints here." He nudged your shoulder for good measure before he was off to terrorize some other poor soul. You just looked down at your watch.


You'd promised Lex you'd help him with the layout for his new foundation.

You weren't sure what had happened in that little loop you were stuck in with Lex, but he was a bit different. It's been almost three months and Smallville has returned to normal. Well, as normal as it could get you supposed. You were starting your freshman year of college. Calvin was pursuing his dreams at the Daily Planet, while commuting at college. Levi was still running a muck.

Lex..he'd devoted his wealth to starting small non profit organizations. Helping people. His new perspective had given jobs to countless people who were affected by the closing of the plant. Of course Lionel wasn't altogether thrilled with his son's new vision, but he never outwardly stopped him. So maybe there was hope for Lionel yet.

Nothing had changed drastically except maybe your feelings.

Lately just being close to Lex would make your heart rate increase. There were times where you caught yourself stealing little glances. Or your gaze would linger a little longer than necessary.

It was unusual. You'd known him for so long. He'd always been special to you. Yet, this felt different. Almost like there was a blank area that your brain couldn't fill.

"Just stop thinking about it."

The more you tried, the less it made sense, so you decided to just forget about it. The second you were outside in a more secluded area, you grin, taking off.

The feel of wind brushing your face so quickly always brought that rush. The next time your feet stopped, you were standing in Lex's mansion.

A few of his papers flew by, and you sent an apologetic smile.

"How many times have I told you that's dangerous (Y/N). What if someone had seen you?"

"Sorry, forced habit."

"Don't make me tell Mr. Kent." You gasped dramatically.

"You wouldn't tell my father. The betrayal!"

You dropped onto the chair next to his desk, and he merely smiled.

Lex went back to work, scribbling on documents, sorting stacks that you'd so graciously messed up. You slid the chair around the table to peek at his work.

"What are you working on?"

"There's a fundraiser in Metropolis in two weeks. All profits go to helping patients affected by the meteor shower. "

Lex was still invested in his work. You couldn't help but spot the wallpaper on his computer. An older image of the both of you.

Moments like this are what seem to make your heart swoon as of late.

You bit your lip, watching him completely invested in his task. You felt lucky that no one else was this close to Lex. You'd seen some of the women he'd dated in the past. Safe to say you knew you were far from his usual type. You looked down at your clothes.

Your taste hadn't changed that much. You still wore an assortment of red and blue shirts, plaid and jackets. It must have been the farmer in you.

That was incurable.

"What do you think?"

Lex's eyes were now directed at you, and you straightened in the chair, meeting those beautiful blue orbs. Lex couldn't help but be distracted by the look you wore. He lectured himself not to rush it. Your memories of your time in that reality were gone. The last thing he wanted was to scare you away. He was patient. He figured that if this was meant to happen, then it should play out naturally. That's why when he caught you staring at him a little longer than usual, he had to exercise control.

However, he wasn't sure how much he had left.

He didn't move, and neither did you. He debated on moving back, maybe giving you a chance to collect yourself. But when you started to lean in slowly, he told himself not to move a muscle. If anyone needed to make this decision, it was you. He wanted to be sure that this was something you wanted. Too many times he'd been selfish and rushed in. This time he would do it right.

Your lips pressed to his so softly that he felt like he imagined it. Your eyes were tightly shut. Like you were afraid that if you opened them, this would all be gone. Lex's shoulders relaxed, and the papers before him were the least of his problems. The minute he tried to reciprocate, you pulled away.

Alarm was written all over your face as you stumbled out of the chair. Lex stood, quick to assure.

"(Y/N) it's okay I-"

"I'm sorry!!"

You bolted before he could say much more, his files once again a mess of paper on the floor from the wind.


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