Chapter 13

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"Why the hell did I kiss him! He's my best friend. You don't just go around kissing your best friend!"

You hadn't felt this embarrassed since the last time you saw him shirtless and activated your heat vision.

Boy was that awkward to explain. Even more awkward when your dad had taken you out in the field to practice heat vision on that scarecrow. Of course you'd never fully disclosed the trigger of that power.

"Come to think of it.."

The first time you'd learned your x-ray vision, it was because of Lex. You'd been curious about the present he'd gotten you for your birthday. All you could remember was looking at the wall, and everything had become visible. Including one Lex Luthor stepping out of the shower as you waited for him in the hallway.


Had all your sexual fantasies been centered around Lex! You couldn't believe it had taken this long for you to pick up on.


You needed to sleep. Maybe if you had a good nap, all the dirty thoughts would leave.

"Yeah, a nice shower and sleep should do the trick. "

It was a childish way to avoid your problems, but it was better than facing Lex right now.

"Sweetheart, are you hungry? I made some pie."

"I'm fine mom. I'll be in the loft if you need me." You couldn't sleep, because those thoughts would just consume you. Even in sleep. Walking out to the barn, you let out a heavy sigh.

"I hate this."

When Petey was still here everything felt easier. She was someone you always knew you could confide in. All your embarrassing stories and situations. Although you'd been close with Lex, there were things, certain thoughts you could never disclose to him. Even the last month was anything to go on, both of you have gotten much closer. You grabbed your basketball from one of the shelves, bouncing it around. There was a part of you that wondered if something happened in that other reality. Lex never said anything, but everything felt different. That couldn't have been a figment of your imagination.

"You'll have to run faster if you want to get away from me." You jumped at Lex's voice.

"W-What I didn't even hear your car pull up."

"I was driving pretty slow." He said with a grin. You gripped the ball in your hands, and Lex's slipped into his pants pockets.

"Are we just going to pretend that nothing happened?"

You weren't sure what to say, dropping the ball, you rubbed your arm. You were careful to keep at a distance.

"If you're uncomfortable nothing has to happen. It was just a kiss. After all we've been through, I don't think this would be the deciding factor of our friendship." Lex was right. But somehow, hearing that word made your heart ache.


At what point did you realize you wanted more.

You moved closer, and Lex just sent you a smile. You weren't sure how he could be so calm about the entire situation. Wasn't his heart racing the same way yours was right now. You frown, stopping right next to him. You needed to be honest, because if there really was nothing there, you wanted to know.

"T-The first time I used my heat vision it was because of you." You blurt out. Lex looks fairly puzzled. You just look down.

"Most of my abilities were brought on when I was scared, or someone needed help. I couldn't stop it. It was almost instinct. B-But the others are..they're different." He wasn't really sure where you were going with this, but when you finally looked at him, it clicked.

"My heat visions and x-ray, they were both triggered because of you..because of my feelings for you. There was a part of me that always thought Leo and I were meant to be. I-I'd been crushing on him since we were both kids."

"I guess Leo is the equivalent to Clark's Lana Lang here. " Lex mused.

That he understood.

"But if that was the truth, why has it always been so easy for me to be with you Lex. Why am I constantly worried about you being hurt, or wanting to see you smile. I want to include you in every part of my life. Do you really not feel even an ounce of what I do.." Your eyes were pleading, and Lex felt the last of his restraint disappear.

He took one step, pulling you into a searing kiss. You squeaked, stunned at the urgency behind this kiss. Your brows furrowed, and Lex's hand slid around your waist, pulling you flush to his body. You were desperately trying to match the heat he was now giving off with each staggered breath. Your hands tightened into his suit jacket. Moaning softly when his hands lifted your thighs, placing you on the table nearby. Lex didn't seem to want to stop, and you weren't complaining. Your hands ran down his shoulders, pushing off his jacket as he happily obliged. Discarding it easily. Lex's lips moved to your neck, and you fought to keep it all together. Your face was no doubt every shade of red.

"I wanted it to be... your choice. I needed choose me." He muttered between kisses.

You could hardly believe it. He'd felt the same. From the sound of it, he would have let you be with someone else if that's what made you happy. He'd willingly deprive himself of these feelings, just for you.

Lex pulled back slowly.

"You're my destiny.."

His declaration had your heart racing at unnatural heights.

"I-I'm not a supermodel you know. I-I'm just a farm girl."

Lex could only smile. All the parts you seem to doubt were what he thought was most attractive. It's true that he'd dated a variety of women. But this was the first time he could truly say it was love. Not a means to fill a void, or a situation to upset his father in the past.

This is real.


"I've noticed." He left another kiss on your neck, and you did your best to hold back any more sounds.

"W-We should probably stop. W-What if my dad walks in."

"I don't think Jonathan Kent could dislike me anymore than he already does." Lex was smirking, and you swallow.

"Y-You really are a playboy huh."

He chuckles, still leaving little kisses along the base of your neck.

"For you, I guess I am." He hums against your skin.

"So tell me, what were you thinking about when you first used your heat vision, hmm?" You weren't sure it was possible for your face to become any brighter than it already was, but Lex proved you wrong.


When Lex pulls back, he's wearing a mischievous grin.

"Dirty girl."

You were positive your ovaries just exploded.

"I-I need to take a shower!!"

You sped away, and Lex is still wearing a smile. 

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