Chapter 2

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"He didn't recognize me. To him I was a complete stranger." 

After the incident, the doctor had sedated Lex. You could do very little but stare at him through the glass.

"Your sudden appearance must have been too much for him. We didn't want him acting out and hurting himself. So he'll be asleep for a while. I'd advise that you give him a few days before you talk to him again. He needs to ease in. Forcing him to remember whatever trauma he's experienced could be detrimental to his health. " Martha and Jonathan nodded.

"We understand, thank you." The doctor shook his hand as he walked away.

"He's forgotten everything. " You mumble. You still couldn't believe it.

Jonathan placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Maybe it's for the best. Given what he knows about you, it could be dangerous sweetheart." You turned to him in disbelief.

"Are you really saying this right now? Lex could have died and you're worried about my secret. He's my friend!" Martha tried to ease the tension.

"We know, that's not what your father was saying. " You scoff.

"You just hope he never remembers right. That's it. Dad, for someone so bent on doing the right thing, you sure make poor decisions." You were storming off before he could reply, and Martha just rubbed his arm.

"She'll cool down. Don't worry."

He knew he was doing what was right. He couldn't take the chance of Lex Luthor finding out about his daughter. So this was the decision. Even if you hated him for it.

That didn't mean it was going to be easy.


"I need to know what happened."

The second he'd gotten home, he rummaged through every bit of information he could. As discreetly as possible of course. Lionel was starting to sniff around, and that's the last thing he needed.

When he opened his laptop, he typed in his password.

It opened the second he clicked enter.

"At least that works."

That was one thing he could count on. He sat down, and his eyes caught the wallpaper. A picture of you and him. Smiling so happily.

"Why the hell can't I remember this!"

He was in the picture for goodness sake. This was all starting to feel like a bad dream. But maybe that was the solution. You were the first person he saw after the accident that didn't belong, so it's possible that is where he needs to start. You claimed to be Kent, and Lex hadn't seen or heard from Clark since he landed. The only connection he had was you. This was the angle he needed to work. Sliding his phone into his pocket, he took off to the Kent farm.

"I need answers."

He needed them now.


Lex knew that Jonathan Kent was not his biggest admirer. That's why when he got there, he wasn't even surprised at the accusing look the older male sent him. Martha however could not be happier.

"I'm sorry that (Y/N) isn't here yet. She should be getting out of school soon."

"It's not a problem. I don't mind waiting."

He literally had no other leads. So waiting ten minutes was his best bet.

"The doctors said that being in a familiar setting would help. I hope I'm not intruding, Mrs. Kent."

Martha shook her head. "Of course not. You're welcomed here anytime. "

He studied everything around him.

Nothing in the house seemed out of place. Marthan Kent was still the warm loving mother. Jonathan is still the protective father. He hadn't taken his eyes off him the moment he stepped into the house. The only changes that were apparent to him was the clear change of some of the genders of the people he knows. He was anything if not efficient. He'd looked into Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Lang.

Calvin Sullivan and Leo Lang.

He briefly contemplated that he was high right now. But that was unlikely. He'd never smoked weed that good. No matter how rich he is.

The most glaring change was you. (Y/N) Kent.

He didn't understand why no one thought this was all strange. But it came to his attention that he was the only one who even noticed a change. So his supposed car accident was the only connection to this warped reality. He needed to investigate that angle, but his father wasn't exactly being subtle about his snooping into his life. He kept casually probing him for information. Maybe he'd hoped that his memory was so bad that he could exploit him. He expected nothing less from Lionel Luthor.

"How much do you remember?"

Jonathan wasn't very discrete either. But he admired this man. He was protecting his so-daughter. His family.

Despite Jonathan's blatant hostility over the years, Lex always looked up to him. This man would go above and beyond to protect what's important to him. Not a company name or reputation. He fought for family. Not greed. A characteristic he'd always envied.

The front door opened, and when you stepped into the room, Lex could feel the tension. Your eyes connected, and there was relief. Doubled with sadness.


"(Y/N), sweetheart help me in the kitchen. Lex has decided to stop by. " Martha spoke, dusting her hands on her apron. With your backpack on your shoulder, you placed it on the chair.

"I was just asking Lex how his memory was coming along." 

Jonathan imputed. Lex took notice of the way your jaw tightened. When you stopped, it was right next to Lex.

"You were just asking him about how much he remembers about me, isn't that right dad." Jonathan stiffened, and Martha halted her actions in the kitchen.


Jonathan's tone was one of warning. Lex took a step back.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kent, I'm sorry if I caused any issues. I'll just leave." 

He knew when he was unwanted. The last thing he wanted to do was aggravate the only people that probably truly cared for him. The number of people he actually trusted was limited. So tempting faith was not ideal. Especially since he knew very little that was going on.

Just as he turned to walk away, you grabbed his arm. Lex wasn't sure what happened after that. He just heard the yell of Jonathan calling your name and the rush of wind. His body felt like it was flying. The next time his feet landed on the ground, he stumbled away. Now in an open field. You were standing upright. Wearing that signature red and blue, with a pair of jeans. Your eyes were resolute.

"I'm an alien from another planet. My real name is Kal-El. My home isn't in Kansas. It's Krypton."

If he were ready for anything, it wasn't this. 

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