Our first fight

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I have been trying to talk to Pedri ever since that morning at Gavi and Pedri's dorm a week ago, but it feels like he's avoiding me.
He is either avoiding me or ignoring me, because I have been trying to get in touch with him this whole week, but nothing.
I even tried to catch him after class one day, but he disappeared before I had even closed my laptop.
I don't want to think that it's true, but it was obvious. The only question is why?
Did I do something to make him mad at me?

I have been feeling uneasy and anxious these past couple of days because of him. I hate that we aren't talking. He's not answering my text either, so now I don't know what to do.

Hera had noticed my bad mood recently and had tried everything in her power to cheer me up.
We have been to the movies and the skating rink, arranged game nights with some other friends and done all kinds of activities.
But still, I couldn't stop thinking about him. It was hard to even forget him for a second. He is just always in my head, and I can't stop overthinking. It is driving me nuts.

Someone from class is throwing a party later today, and Hera thought it would be a good idea for us to go, so I could have some fun and think about something else.
"You should ask Gavi to go with you." She said, winking at me.
Sure, why not? I thought to myself. I could need someone to take my mind of Pedri, if it so was just for one night.

Hiii:) are you doing something tonight?

Nothing yet;)

Cool! Bc there is this party tonight and I wondered if you would come with me?

Ofc I will come with you:)) I will pick you up at 10, if that's alright?

That's perfect! Can't wait <3

Gavi came over as planed and we walked over to the party together. Getting there took us a little longer than expected, because we kept messing around.
None of us had been drinking, but it still felt like we were drunk. We laughed at everything, even when it wasn't that funny. On the way we saw a shoes laying in the middle of the road, and we just started to laugh hysterically.

For some reason, being with Gavi made me feel easier and relived. There was currently no Pedri in my mind.

When we got the party around 11, people was already visibly wasted. "Pon de replay" was playing and everyone were dancing and laughing.
Since everyone was having a good time, I might as well try to have some fun myself.

I grabbed Gavi's hand.
"Come on!" I said, laughing as I pulled him with me to the dance floor.

Gavi started to show of his best, or should I say funniest, moves. He was trying to make me laugh, which worked perfectly.
He was jumping around like a fool and I could stop laughing. He than took my hand and dared me to join him. I was up for the challenges and busted a goofy move which made Gavi laugh from the top of his lungs.

We acted foolish the whole night and I haven't laughed like this for a long time. It was great. This was exactly what I needed.

We decided to chat after a while, so we found a corner in the living room where we had some space from other people.

We talked about class and made fun of one of the professors who would always side eye students who was being too loud during the lecture.
We talked about everything and nothing. It was so easy to talk with him.

Destined to be together; Pedri & Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now