Movie night

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Ever since that day I went out to get ice cream with Pedri, we been meeting up.
We been hanging out on campus and gone to lectures together. It has been great to spend time with him.

I still sometimes see him with Aurora. I have caught them holding hands several times and she is always all over him. She is so clingy and it doesn't seem like Pedri minds.
I just don't understand what he meant when he said that whatever they were, didn't work out. Why was he still with her all the time then?
I hated how jealous I felt. I have no rights to be. He is just a friend, and that's what he sees me as too.
Im sure he never have thought about me as more than a friend, which hurts me.

I have not been able to met up with Gavi for a while since I have been busy hanging out with Pedri. We text over the phone and talk when we run into each other, but not anymore than that.

I had just finished all my classes for the day. I got back to my dorm to relax and watch whatever show that was playing on the tv.
I was about to fall asleep on the couch when I heard my phone got a notification.

Hi! What are you up to right now?

Nothing much, just watching TV:) what abt u?

I'm bored. Come over! We can watch a movie together?

Which movie?;)

U can decide, but pls no hopeless boring love movie

So no titanic?:(

Absolutely not. Pls something else

Hmmm then I don't think I will be able to come over

Okok fineeee we can watch titanic! But no crying allowed

Can't promise that lol

Just come overrrr alreadyyy

Fine fine I'm omw ahhaha

See you in a bit;)

I knocked on the door to his dorm and I could hear him sprinting towards it on the other side. He pulled the door open and saw me standing there. He smiled as he picked me up and spun me around. It was like he hadn't seen me in years, when I for a fact saw him just some moments ago in class.
"Woah, hi!" I said, laughing as he put me back down.
"Hi! Come in." He said excitingly and pulled me softly into his dorm.
He had lit candles up and turned off the lights. I could also smell popcorn as well. The room looked so romantic.
He continued to pull me towards the couch. We sat down and he put his arm around my shoulder.
He had already prepared the movie so he pressed play and the movie was staring.

It's funny how he agreed to watch Titanic with me. I don't think Gavi is the kind of boy who enjoys this kinds of movies. It was cute that he was willing to watch it just to spend time with me.

I have watched the movie maybe a hundred times and I pretty much remember all the scenes. I was feeling tired even before I got here, and it didn't help that Gavi's shoulder was so comfortable to rest on.

I could feel myself almost dozing off, just before the door into the dorm was opened. I was startled and suddenly felt fully awake again.

Pedri came in through the door. He had been outside playing football from what I could tell.
He dropped his ball on to the floor when he saw me, bet he didn't expect me to be there.

"What are you doing here y/n?" He asked, sounding upset.
"Gavi asked me to come over and watch a movie with him." I said, turning to smile at Gavi.
Gavi smiled back down at me as I was still resting my head on his shoulder.

"Oh yeah? Do you guys mind if I join." He said demanding rather than asking.
Before me or Gavi could react, he was already placing himself down between me and Gavi, forcing us to break apart.
"Can you pass me the popcorn, Gavi?" Pedri asked, innocently like nothing was going on.
Gavi just stared at him for a second, scanning his face, before reaching out for the popcorn to hand it over to him.

The couch wasn't exactly enormous, so I had to lean myself agains Pedri's side to fit, which I didn't mind.
I was still feeling sleepy and I couldn't fight the tiredness at one point.

I woke up without knowing how long I had been sleeping for. The movie was turned of and Gavi was nowhere to be seen.
The only one there was Pedri.

I was laying down on the couch with a blanket over me. Pedri was sitting in a chair next to me, arms crossed, sleeping.
He looks adorable, I though.
I just laid for a while, admiring his beautiful face. I had to get up and get home, what time was it anyway?

As I was about to get up, Pedri woke up from his sleep.
"Oh, hi. You're awake." He said, still half sleeping.
"Yes. I should get home. What time is it?" I asked a bit worried.
He pulled out his phone to check.
"It's 05.48." He said, rubbing his eyes.
"Don't bother to go back home. You can just sleep here. I don't mind. I'm sure Gavi doesn't mind either." He told me. I guess he was right.
It was no point going back now, plus tomorrow is Saturday, so no classes.

"Okay, I can stay. But you need to sleep in your own bed, that position can't be good for your posture." I told him. He smiled at me and got up.

Before leaving he pulled the blanket over me and fixed my pillow. He then looked down at and smiled wholeheartedly.

"Good night, y/n." He said, dreamy.
"Good night, Pedri." I replied, smiling back up at him with half closed eyes. And then I fell asleep again.

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